I Cannot Begin to Tell You How Pissed I Am…

…that THIS is gone.
I didn’t even know they had one…and it’s gone.

14 Responses to “I Cannot Begin to Tell You How Pissed I Am…”

  1. Mr. Bingley says:

    Well thanks for ruining my day.
    Anything else out there that you want to get me excited about that I can’t have?

  2. HAIR
    But bitchin’, totally bitchin’, ain’t it?? I’m sooooooo pissed.

  3. Crusader says:

    Have you tried here or here?
    Google is your friend…

  4. Ken Summers says:

    I have a Dodger Dog bobble. That’s the only one anyone should need.

  5. Crusader says:

    I have a Dodger Dog bobble. That’s the only one anyone should need.

    I hope that does not mean you are also a Dodgers fan. Steely Dan and a Dodger fan, too. Ugh….

  6. WE have an Alien QUEEN bobblehead, so bwahahahaha!!!! Bwahahahaha !!!
    (And a ‘Bad Ash’ from Army of Darkness. Hey!! There’s a quote we forgot:
    Buckle up, Bonehead! You’re goin’ for a ride..)

  7. Ken Summers says:

    All baseball is Dodgers. All else is stamp collecting.

  8. Crusader says:

    Being one who hasn’t followed sports of any kind in, oh, 20 years or so, even I know the Dodgers lost all credibility when they left Brooklyn, which they did long before my birth. Even tho I did root for them once when they played the A’s in the World Series, but that was only to annoy my roommate, who was a diehard A’s fan from Fresno. Talk about what a moral quandary….

  9. Ken Summers says:

    Lost credibility? They’ve played in, and won, more World Series in LA than they ever did in Brooklyn.

  10. Crusader says:

    Lost credibility? They’ve played in, and won, more World Series in LA than they ever did in Brooklyn.

    With me, and after all, that is all that counts……

  11. Ken Summers says:

    Ok, I’m confuzzled. How did they lose credibility by winning?

  12. Crusader says:

    It wasn’t due to winning, I just never cared for them in LA, and wished they could have stayed in NY.

  13. Ken Summers says:

    Well, that’s different then.
    Of course, Brooklyn was a dying concern in the 50s. Some have pointed out that the Dodgers were profitable in Brooklyn (true), but missed the fact that receipts were declining (also true). Despite finally becoming a winning team, financially it was a dead end. The only question there ever was about moving was when and where.
    Now, if you want to bitch about anybody moving without need, talk to the Jints. Getting them to move was a coup for O’Malley, a boondoggle for Stoneham (but perhaps that was the plan all along…)

  14. Dave J says:

    Let me that I say consider the Dodgers my National League team, because LA was the first NL city I’ve ever lived in (and so far the only one, since baseball’s return to DC, being this year, was well after I left there). The only time I would root against the Dodgers is when, in interleague play or the World Series, they face my beloved Red Sox. Yet that said, my dad’s from Brooklyn and STILL mourns their departure.

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