I Don’t See the Potential for Any Trouble Here

Could be like Forrest says to his Jennie: peas in a pod.

Occupy Atl. teams with hip-hop festival, will not leave park

Occupy Atlanta’ plans to partner with a hip-hop festival scheduled to take place in the downtown Atlanta park the group has claimed for the past week. The festival on Oct. 22 at Woodruff Park takes place five days after the deadline issued by Mayor Kasim Reed for the demonstrators to remain in the park legally, reports the Associated Press.

A fellow named “Killer Mike” has been the front man for the get-it-together efforts, having apparently, been a victim of some corporate greed himself.

…Hip-hop artist Killer Mike joined the protesters on Thursday, saying he identified with a lot of their causes.

“I think that we’re living in a crucial time now where so much money is invested with so few people that there’s not enough opportunity for young people to take full advantage of the American dream,” said the rapper, also known as Mike Bigga. “I’m here on behalf of hip-hop because 20 years ago we were speaking on behalf of the people. Somewhere along the line we got co-opted by corporations and I believe that any rapper that’s worth his weight should be out here with the people.”

See? Every single day of the Occupy crap IS a revelation! Who KNEW Tupac and Biggie and Puffy Daddy ~ or whatever he’s calling himself these days ~ all those guys NEVER wanted those FAT RECORDING CONTRACTS, PACKED CONCERT STADIUMS or to start their OWN RECORDING LABELS read: become CORPORATE TITANS THEMSELVES?!?!?!?!?!?

The park is a good place to start the cleansing process. And I’m sure there won’t be a SOUL in the place who’s packing anything other than LUNCH when the Occupiers and the HipHoppers get together.

14 Responses to “I Don’t See the Potential for Any Trouble Here”

  1. ricki says:

    Someone I overheard made the comment: “If the 99% hate the idea of being rich so much, why are people still buying lottery tickets?”

  2. Larry says:

    Peas and carrots…

  3. major dad says:

    Stupid is as stupid does…

  4. JeffS says:

    I’d pay to watch that match up.

  5. Syd B. says:

    Has there ever been an October snowstorm in NY?

  6. Gunslinger says:

    Smelly hipsters and slackers mingling with bangers and wannabe thugs. What could possibly go wrong?

  7. aelfheld says:

    […] what the OWS protesters really are: wingless, bloodsucking and parasitic. This is the flea party, not the tea party. — Ann Coulter

  8. Greg Newson says:

    The problem I’m having,after evaluating this situation.Why does everyone hate these protestors so much?
    I was against them at first,and still am, but come on people:what’s wrong this?Unless they’re being paid by Israeli double agents-which they somehow probably are.
    What’s wrong with a little bump and grind;it makes for great sex and maybe the creation of thought-like the Apple 2 or Model-T.


  9. Mockingbird says:

    I will go to see that meetup in Woodruff Park, but I need the Geithner to send me airfare now. LOL

  10. aelfheld says:

    Greg, we don’t hate them – well, I don’t, and most of the comments I’ve read don’t lead to that conclusion – but most sane people despise the ignorance and utter, infantile greed on display.

    BTW, what’s the point of your comment about ‘Israeli double agents’?

  11. Gunslinger says:

    “Why does everyone hate these protestors so much?”

    Things like this tend to be a big turnoff.

    “Unless they’re being paid by Israeli double agents-which they somehow probably are.”

    You should consider changing your user name to Richard Belzer. Picking up some new hat making material would also be a good idea for you.

  12. Ebola says:

    Syd, October is abnormal for snowfall in the state of New York. NYC is even rarer due to local effects. However, due to Lake Effect, western NY can, Polar Front Jet willing, see snow fall as early as October. In 2006 FEMA had to respond to record snowfall over Buffalo NY.

    Snowfall in NYC in October is not unheard of, just rare, with the maximum snowfall in Central Park being .8″ in 1926. Note: If you use the link T stands for trace amounts.

    Your local Swilling WxMan,

  13. Syd B. says:

    I heard the OWL crowd received a unanimous donation on the weekend of $100k. Ironically, they put it in the bank.

  14. mojo says:

    Nanny Staters and Gang Bangers – MORTAL ENEMIES, WORKING TOGETHER!

    What could possibly go wrong?

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