If I Were the “Supervisor of Teachers”
…I’d watch my ass.
Florida Substitute Teacher Fired, Accused of Wizardry
…Jim Piculas said he made a toothpick disappear and reappear in front of students at the Rushe Middle School in Land ‘O Lakes, Fla., Local6.com reported. He said he later got a call from the supervisor of teachers, saying he had been accused of wizardry.
Wizard bytes kan be pretti nasti…
A warm Swill salute to Sad Old Goth.
WTF? I assumed this was going to be another of those Africa stories like the disappearing winkies.
But Florida? There’s gotta be a Gamble Rogers story in here someplace.
The principal better be careful, Mr. Piculas may know the Avada Kedavra curse.
All together – he turned me into a newt!
All I can think is “OOOO!!! A TOOTHpick!!” And what MORONIC species of frickin’ parent started this whole thing?
And where, precisely, does it limit or outlaw wizardry in the public schools?
Whomever filed the complaint should be sentenced to one years community service as David Copperfield’s assistant.
Then beaten with a hat full of rabbits.
Oh, jeez. . . reminds me of my “reading materials for juveniles” class where I’d read books from a “controversial” list and be entirely stumped over what the heck made them so controversial. I probably needed to hop a plane to a different state.