I’m Not Sure How This Made a Major News Gathering Place, BUT
…somebody has great taste.
Ooogachaka, baby.
…somebody has great taste.
Ooogachaka, baby.
Fun | tree hugging sister | July 10, 2008 3:44 pm
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Speaking of reprimands, Mr B …
Who DOESN’T love the Hoff?
You will shortly meet them, Kate, my dear.
OMG. That is so wrong…
Oh, Lord, that nauseating Haggledork video again? If there was ever ANY justification to have Digital Brownshirts™ patrolling the innernuts, this is it.
You got that right, Rob…
I knew better htan to click that link, and still I did.
That’s it, I’m going to start emailing THS pictures of various Dunkin’ Donut franchises.
John John John, what were you thinking?
Bow to the powers that I wield, which are capable of forcing a 900 pound brain research scientist to his Hoffian knees, even though his mighty intellect begged him to resist what it already had dedeuced was a TRAP of the most foul and insidious design!!!!
Your ugly threats have no effect on me.
OK, Sis, I’m going to start mailing you empty DD boxes…
With just a touch of powdered sugar in the corners, and maybe a hint of chocolate creme…
My wings are like a shield of steel!!!