In “Florida News Briefs

A vigilante with a flare for fashion.

A man wearing a purple women’s bathing suit and carrying a flare gun was arrested after he told a bartender he was going to “get rid of all the dirt bags in Key West,” authorities said.
Jeffrey C. Anderson, 55, was charged with carrying a concealed firearm Monday after he brandished the flare gun, which was under a skirt he was wearing, Key West police spokeswoman Christie Phillips said.
…”She [the bartender] reported she had seen a man, later identified as Anderson, dancing in the street showing tourists his private parts, and asking people for money when they took his picture,” the news release said.

Hey, a guy’s got to make a living. That’s why he picked a lycra suit with a saucy skirt.

5 Responses to “In “Florida News Briefs“”

  1. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Does he appear that way in his latest movie?

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    So that’s the “Inconvenient Truth,” eh?

  3. Ken Summers says:

    Oh gawd. It’s still there.

  4. Mike Rentner says:

    I’m missing the Al Gore connection.

  5. Mike…there isn’t one.

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