In Most Instances, ENORMOUS Faux Pas. But In Bingley’s Case
…it’s a necessary evil.
• The applicant smelled his armpits on the way to the interview room.
…it’s a necessary evil.
• The applicant smelled his armpits on the way to the interview room.
Fun | tree hugging sister | May 13, 2008 6:28 pm
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‘Candidate told the interviewer he was fired for beating up his last boss’
Sounds like a good assistant for CatBert!
Nice real world examples at the link. I once got a call from HR telling me to not worry about an interview with an applicant because he showed up drunk. The HR manager called the cops when he refused a free cab ride and they busted him as he left the parking lot.
I don’t have too many horror stories because everywhere I’ve had a hiring role, HR did a pretty good job of screening applicants. I’ve had my issues with HR staff, but that’s one area where I think they are under-appreciated.
The tips include not answering your cell phone, and not flushing your toilet while on a phone interview. What about cell phones with a flushing toilet as a ring tone?
Are those acceptable? Or not?
Hey, isn’t that what Mary Catherine Gallagher does to calm down? That’s stress management!
I find it clears my sense, Sis.