It Appears There is Historical Precedent

…for the Coors Twins.

An ancient brewery from a vanished empire was staffed by elite women who were selected for their beauty or nobility, a new study concludes.
The finding adds to other evidence that women played a more crucial role in ancient Andean societies than history books have stated. It may also in some ways reflect modern drinking traditions in the Andean mountains, where women get drunk as much as men, researchers say.

Dear God.

6 Responses to “It Appears There is Historical Precedent”

  1. Ebola says:

    Damn it, I told you I was born in the wrong time period. Can I have those two for Christmas next year mom? I promise to feed them!

  2. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Ebola, how about you and I split the cost and the twins?

  3. Nightfly says:

    I… love… ritual lacrosse
    Eating way too much
    With those Andeans…
    And twins!
    I! LOVE! Human sacrifice!
    Breweries and vice!
    Wearing enemy skins –
    And TWINS!
    And I! LOVE YOU TOO!

  4. that 1 guy says:

    Heheheh… Nightfly!

  5. Dave J says:


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