Joe Paterno Got Off Easy Dying When He Did

The statue needs quietly to go to smelter and his disgraced name needs to be scrubbed with a steel brush, bleached from every edifice that bears it.

Get the damned t-shirts out of the student book store.

Unfortunately, that treatment won’t work on the scars that vile individual allowed a monster to inflict on little boys, while saintly Joe-Pa protected him.

Remember THAT, HAPPY Valley, when the squawks to defend the “whole legacy” start.

4 Responses to “Joe Paterno Got Off Easy Dying When He Did”

  1. Gary from Jersey says:

    Sickening. Paterno was a liar and hypocrite who sacrificed kids to protect one of his own. Penn State knew what was going on and did nothing, which makes me wonder what else goes on there.

  2. aelfheld says:

    The ‘whole legacy’ should be defended.

    Most especially from those who would mitigate the utter moral corruption of the man.

  3. Kate P says:

    At the very least, I hope many universities are waking up and taking a good look at what they think is most important.

  4. KingShamus says:

    There are only a few ways that Joe Paterno couldn’ve ruined his legacy worse than he he did by protecting Jerry Sandusky for over a decade.

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