Jon Runyan For NJ-3
Last week I went door-to-door in NJ-12 for Scott Sipprelle. Yesterday, under the mad organization skillz of Ace, I went door-to-door with several other Morons who traveled even further than moi to get down to Toms River to pound the pavement for Jon Runyan.
Pudding was provided.
You may have heard of this race: it seems “associates” of the Democratic incumbent, a fellow named “Adler,” created a faux “Tea Party” candidate to steal support from Runyan. Total scum.
As of right now the race is extremely close, with Runyan holding a slight edge in the polls. I have to say that all of us streetwalkers volunteers agreed that the weightier part of the folks we encountered were pro-Runyan, so there is hope, but this is yet another race that could use your support.
Hey Mr. B, I had a great time yesterday canvassing the NJ-3rd district. Thanks for the good conversations and hearty laughs.
Great job, Mr. B. Too bad I got your email too late or I would have joined the throng. I don’t know much about Runyan other than he’s running against the Camden County machine, one of the most corrupt in the state that wrote the book on corruption. That’s reason enough to send him a money bomb then wear out your shoes walking for him.