Ken, You Could Always Just Move…
I guess Ken’s Tin Foil Hats just don’t provide the protection they used to.
I guess Ken’s Tin Foil Hats just don’t provide the protection they used to.
Uncategorized | Mr. Bingley | May 23, 2005 12:42 pm
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For the record, I am not now nor have I ever been a resident of Sackatomatoes.
I notice you are avoiding the Tin Foil Issue, though? Hmm, are you too busy chewing on human flesh???
Did you know that HUMAN FLESH WRAPPED IN TINFOIL makes a darned good mock pigs-in-a-blanket?
Isn’t piggy in a tin foil blanket what the guys in Los Alamos used to simulate charred human flesh?
I wonder what Sheila’s doing today…