More Lefty Road Rage
Another Florida lefty comes unhinged behind the wheel. Hmm, maybe Jeb ought to look into this…
Another Florida lefty comes unhinged behind the wheel. Hmm, maybe Jeb ought to look into this…
People | Mr. Bingley | March 10, 2005 8:46 am
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Ah, the peaceful, pacifist left.
The Peace-loving Left
They want the whole world to be peaceful, and they will beat the snot out of anyone who disagrees with their methods….
Terrorizing a mother with two children. Why does that sound so familiar?
I’m trying to find the link to the wacko who drove his car into the crowd of Bush supporters in Tampa I think before the election.
Why didn’t Republicans think of this? You run over lefties and use up oil while doing it! The perfect crime!
Hey Ken, you forgot inclusive!
Oops, AoD. My bad!
And people actually wonder why I left Florida?