Never, EVER Do


Ronald Bergeron wanted to put on a show when he came across a nearly 8-foot alligator while giving guests a tour of his private nature preserve. The alligator had another idea.
Bergeron, a South Florida real estate tycoon, was bit on the hand while trying to wrestle the animal and dragged into water 15-feet deep Sunday.
Those who witnessed the event spent the weekend at the 5,000-plus-acres by donating $10,000 to the Boys and Girls Club.
“Couples donate a lot of money to charities for the weekend and I always tell them I’m going to wrestle an alligator,” Bergeron, 62, said Wednesday. “It’s part of my Florida cracker culture. My grandfather was a game warden in the Everglades and I grew up around alligators.”

The “Florida Cracker” line explains quite a bit.

13 Responses to “Never, EVER Do”

  1. Rob says:

    The gator gets two points for the takedown.

  2. Miss Florida Cracker is glossing over the fellow’s excuse on her site. And she talks bad about the selective reporting in the NYT…

  3. Donnah says:

    What? It’s simply a sport best suited to young men.
    Keith Richards shouldn’t be climbing palm trees either.

  4. That was an rapier like response/analogy. You’re right ~ he shouldn’t. First thing I said when I heard it.

  5. Rob says:

    And old billionaires shouldn’t be climbing Ann…………uh, never mind.

  6. Mr. Bingley says:

    I think he died with a smile on his face, Rob.

  7. One would think…

  8. Nightfly says:

    I think they were filming flashback sequences for the local production of “Peter Pan”.

  9. Rob says:

    Or a grimace.

  10. Jim - PRS says:

    Holy shit!!
    Put on a show?
    This nutbar should consider a puppet show.
    I’m scared shitless of alligators.

  11. A Warm Swill Welcome Aboard, Jim!
    And I guess we don’t have to tell you to keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times…

  12. Mr. Bingley says:

    What’s the old joke about the most common last words of a Florida Cracker
    “Hey y’all! Watch this!”

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