Nothing Like a Good Bedtime Story

…to help one sleep soundly. You know ~ like, where the fresh faced, true blue, all American kids get the bad guy? Florida Cracker found a doozy.

18 Responses to “Nothing Like a Good Bedtime Story”

  1. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Those Marines probably found this a piece of cake after the Crucible.

  2. Nightfly says:

    Did the crook have a chance? “No sir, not at all, sir,” said Private Pitts – polite but direct. That’s how we like our Marines.
    From the halls of shopping centers
    To the shores of Chuck E Cheese
    We will fight our country’s battles
    And its criminalities
    First to fight for right and freedom
    And to capture inept thieves
    Saving Christmas from the Grinches
    We’re United States Marines

  3. Oh my God that’s EXCELLENT, Diptera! I bow in homage…

  4. WunderKraut says:

    That was a great post. I am really beginning to come around on this whole Marines REWL thing 🙂
    BTW, why is Nightfly called Diptera? I am lost….

  5. Donnah says:

    That was excellent, Nightfly.

  6. Gnat Encounters Sledgehammers

    Shoplifter William Beltran had outrun mall security and two deputies. Then he heard “Stop! U.S. Marines!” Imagining his feeling of hopelessness, I almost feel sorry for the guy. UPDATE Nightfly has composed a song for Private Pitts and PFC Ailant….

  7. Gnat Encounters Sledgehammers

    Shoplifter William Beltran had outrun mall security and two deputies. Then he heard “Stop! U.S. Marines!” Imagining his feeling of hopelessness, I almost feel sorry for the guy. UPDATE Nightfly has composed a song for Private Pitts and PFC Ailant….

  8. Idiot

    Did the criminal have a chance? Nah. Nightfly composed the music: Did the crook have a chance? “No sir, not at all, sir,” said Private Pitts – polite but direct. That's how we like our Marines. From the halls of…

  9. why is Nightfly called Diptera?
    Short for Diptera ex Tenebris (‘fly out of darkness’ ~ yes I know the singular’s wrong).
    And because it’s a nicer nickname than ‘gnat’.

  10. JINX! JINX, Bingley!!
    (flies and midges?)

  11. (And a warm Swill welcome, maestro! Merci for the trackback! Where’s ya in Alabammy, huh…?)

  12. WunderKraut says:

    You guys are geeks. Once again, you with your fancy languages….

  13. Nightfly says:

    It’s my pleasure to offer a song for my fave Marine and her Swilling friends ’round Christmastime!
    Wunder – about Diptera, it’s the science-y name for “fly”, as you’ve seen.
    As for its application to me: when I got the new PC this past July I mused on what I might name it. Ms. Sister, meantime, had taken to calling me Diptera. Long story short, her nickname for my nickname is ‘officially’ what the PC’s hard drive is labelled. However, my girlfriend still calls it Alphonse and I’m still Diptera. And now you know… the rest of the story.

  14. And, as usual, I was gracious in victory.

  15. Nightfly says:

    I only wish the comments from the older posts had survived. You’re such a fun bunch of folks!

  16. Mr. Bingley says:

    Which comments? They’re all there, showing THS in her evil vicious glory!

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