…On Easter Saturday 2002, She Went to Record Her Aunt’s Death at the Registrar’s Office in Windsor.

She was asked: ‘Right, what was the husband’s occupation?’

Mrs Rhodes replied: ‘After a second’s hesitation I answered “King”.

There are some lovely pictures accompanying the story, not to mention my first encounter with a gin and Dubonnet.

And corgis ~ LOTS of corgis.

7 Responses to “…On Easter Saturday 2002, She Went to Record Her Aunt’s Death at the Registrar’s Office in Windsor.”

  1. Donna D. says:

    Read it twice, terrific story, can’t wait for more installments.

  2. Gary from Jersey says:

    That Margaret fella’s smokin’s somethin’ third photo down. Here’s hoping it’s illegal because that bunch could use the boost.

  3. Dr Alice says:

    That really is a nice story. And that’s quite the herd of corgis.

  4. Mori says:

    Don’t you love that she’s drinking a gin & Dubonnet with lunch! She’s got one up on me; one drink and I need a nap.

  5. Mori says:

    Forgot to mention… LOVE the vintage Tupperwear. My mom, who is Scottish, was surprised lunch wasn’t a formal affair. She thought they dressed for every meal.

  6. Michael Lonie says:

    Princess Margaret’s poor luck with men? Maybe if they’d let her marry Group Captain Peter Townshend, Battle of Britain fighter pilot, she’d have been happier. But no, he’d been divorced. So Margaret flounced off and married a bisexual society photographer to spite them. An anecdote I read once: Margaret is at a dinner party. Her hostess, making small talk, asks “How is the Queen?”

    “Whom do you mean, my mother, my sister, or my husband?”

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