On This Date
…yet another weird, historical confluence ~ a Yin and Yang, them and us, as it were. (Pretty appropriate, considering the debate in the House and airwaves lately.) The Yin of it?
Bunker Hill.
No one of the thousands who crowded the housetops, church steeples, and shore batteries of Boston to watch the spectacle ever forgot the extraordinary scene they witnessed. June 17, 1775, was an absolutely still, brilliantly clear summer’s day. Viewers in Boston only half a mile away could make out the stages of the battle clearly.
It didn’t go well, but we didn’t give up.
And the Yang?
June 17, 1940 ~ France asks Germany for terms of surrender in WW II
Three days later, the ‘give up‘ was complete.
Bunker Hill Battle Cry:
“Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.”
French Battle Cry:
“Don’t fire; let them see our white flag.”
More like, “Mon dieu! My eyes, zee have rolled over white from zee fearful fainting!”
“Mon dieu! Take ze wife… si vous plait”
“Welcome back, monsieurs. Your rooms, zey are as you left zem.”
“Why do Paris boulevards have trees on both sides?”
“So the Germans can always march in the shade”
Thanks, you’ve been a great audience…
The LeClerc Medium Tank has 4 reverse gears and one forward gear in case it is attacked from behind.
Pretty much true story!