One Face Springs Immediately to Mind

…no matter how many times I hear this.

Come ye cool cool conservative men
The likes of which may never be seen again
We have land, cash in hand
Self-command, future planned
Fortune flies, society survives
In neatly ordered lives with well-endowered wives
We sing hosanna, hosanna
To our breeding and our banner
We are cool

7 Responses to “One Face Springs Immediately to Mind”

  1. Nope. Except for ‘conservative’ (Applicable in the sense of the song as the fellows singing are Tories.), it describes him perfectly.

  2. A little more:

    Come ye cool cool considerate men
    The likes of which may never be seen again
    With our land, cash in hand
    Self-command, future planned
    And we’ll hold to our gold
    Tradition that is old, reluctant to be bold.
    We say this game’s not of our choosing
    Why should we risk losing?
    We cool, cool, cool
    Cool, cool, cool
    Cool cool men.

  3. Mr. Bingley says:

    Admiral MC Nelson, the Rappin’ Scourge of Trafalgar?

  4. Too old. And he didn’t marry his wife for her money.

  5. Ken Summers says:

    I’m still gonna guess Martin Mull.

  6. 1) cool, cool, considerate men
    2)well endowered wives
    3)we’ll hold to our gold
    4)Why should we risk losing?
    5)hosanna, To our breeding and our banner

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