Our Imperial Overlord in His House of White

is just the sneakiest pen-wielding bitch EH-VAH!

‘Most transparent’ White House ever rewrote the FOIA to suppress politically sensitive docs

It’s Sunshine Week, so perhaps some enterprising White House reporter will ask press secretary Jay Carney why President Obama rewrote the Freedom of Information Act without telling the rest of America.

The rewrite came in an April 15, 2009, memo from then-White House Counsel Greg Craig instructing the executive branch to let White House officials review any documents sought by FOIA requestors that involved “White House equities.”

That phrase is nowhere to be found in the FOIA, yet the Obama White House effectively amended the law to create a new exception to justify keeping public documents locked away from the public.

4 Responses to “Our Imperial Overlord in His House of White”

  1. Syd B. says:

    On a normal day, this story would irritate the shit out of me, but not today. This good news trumps everything:

    Pass the butter.

    “Fatty foods such as butter and bacon may not actually increase the risk of heart attacks, a comprehensive overview of health research has concluded.

    NHS guidelines urging people to eat less “unhealthy” fat might have to be reviewed, say scientists who found no link between saturated fat and heart disease. Official advice also tells people to eat more “healthy” polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3, but the study found that these did not seem to affect risk levels either.”


    Mr. B., you’re too old to do back flips.

  2. aelfheld says:

    Hells, he rewrites every other law that he wants to so why not the FOIA? The only thing surprising is that he didn’t start with that one.

  3. aelfheld says:

    Actually, looking at the dates, it appears he did start with the FOIA.

  4. Skyler says:

    Taking another page from Chavez.

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