Our Presence ~ Super GEEE-EE-YUS

Right after the 3:00 mark, he points out the GULF OF MEXICO PORTS he wants to deepen…

…which are Charleston, Jacksonville and Savannah.

I want to CHOKE every muhfocka that voted for this EE-diot and every single person who called W a moron.

Thank to JWF for the heads up.

11 Responses to “Our Presence ~ Super GEEE-EE-YUS”

  1. leelu says:

    Bet that came as a surprise to the folks in those towns…

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    Geography is a colonialist obsession.

  3. JeffS says:

    Book learning is a colonialist obsession, Mr. B. Not just geography.

  4. Dave E. says:

    Not to mention the idiot doesn’t know the difference between a supertanker and the new and larger container ships(new panamax and ULCV) that the ports are actually being deepened to accomodate.

  5. aelfheld says:

    It’s all on the same continent right?

  6. Gunslinger says:

    Ask Obama questions about golf clubs and he’d ace that quiz.

  7. Skyler says:

    I heard on the radio this morning that he also made some gaffe about the casualties in Afghanistan being low, “unfortunately.”

  8. Dr Alice says:

    “I want to CHOKE every muhfocka that voted for this EE-diot and every single person who called W a moron.”

    Hear, hear.

  9. JeffS says:

    Not quite, Skyler. Not quite.

  10. Skyler says:

    “The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident, unfortunately”.

    That’s the one.

  11. Kate P says:

    He didn’t name any cities in those extra 7 states he said we have? How disappointing.

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