Pensacola is Set to Get Humming

Helicopters from both coasts, helo carriers and support/hospital ships, support personnel, evacuated military families from Pascagoula and the smaller installations scattered all along the Gulf and air ops commence 24/7 0700 tomorrow. I wish the folks down the road could know what’s coming together for them. They could hang on and hang in, knowing we’re coming. Because we ARE. It will be an amazing, motivating, awe-inspiring display of American can-do and we here are privileged to be ground zero for the Navy/Marine Corps relief effort.
DAMN! It’s great to be able to do something.

10 Responses to “Pensacola is Set to Get Humming”

  1. Cullen says:

    Not to mention installations that are hosting evacuated military families.

  2. Are you all getting them, too, Cullen? The message I read said that when one of the convoys sent to rescue them got to the base, the folks burst into tears because they had no idea help was on the way.

  3. Cullen says:

    Yeah. We’re getting some folks from Nawlins.
    Oh, did y’all’s “children” make it home safely?

  4. Major Dad says they made it home safely and thank you very much for taking such good care of them. He also says to add that, even though you probably already know, the Colonels signed the MOA.

  5. Cullen says:

    Glad they made it home safely.
    Yep, on the MoU. My CPL took the photo. I’ll link you to next week’s paper when it gets up online (that could be longer than just next week rassafrassin web guys).

  6. I’m sick of Major Dad saying ‘have you emailed your friend yet’, ‘ have you heard from your frined yet?’ Pfft. Cullen pliz to email me. (I tried to send you one about a week ago, but, since you didn’t answer and everybody ANSWERS me…email, okay?)

  7. Mr. Bingley says:

    Or better yet send it to me at the address on the front page; it really riles her up to get emails second-hand!

  8. Mr. Bingley says:

    Thanks for the email Cullen; I’ll forward it to THS when I get the chance.

  9. (Smug pencil necked schmuck…)

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