Presentator Naakt op Wimbledon

Binksley cavortsa na shortsa fishy chowder! Oopan unda ooveren heeska goin. Klik door voor de foto’s!

7 Responses to “Presentator Naakt op Wimbledon”

  1. That 1 Guy says:

    AHHHH! Gott damn! You could have put up a warning… in English. 🙂

  2. ::sniff:: I said he cavorts with no shorts. YOU need to brush up on your BorkBorkBork and spend less time pissing off Pentacostals.

  3. That 1 Guy says:

    Hey, I saw “no shorts” and “fishy.” I’m thinking something else, entirely. That was NOT what I was thinking! Heheheh…
    And I still think it’s funny that I’m getting screamed at about going to hell, when I’m going to a pub. Hell, pub…. complete opposites.

  4. The Lord put the choice right there for ya…and ya flubbed it. We saw the whole thing.

  5. Mr. Bingley says:

    Hell, pub…. complete opposites.
    Not based on some of the pubs I’ve been in.

  6. Mr. Bingley says:

    And let’s not even talk about my sunburn right now.

  7. Oopska burnski bunsa.

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