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Binksley cavortsa na shortsa fishy chowder! Oopan unda ooveren heeska goin. Klik door voor de foto’s!
Binksley cavortsa na shortsa fishy chowder! Oopan unda ooveren heeska goin. Klik door voor de foto’s!
Fun | tree hugging sister | July 5, 2006 4:35 pm
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AHHHH! Gott damn! You could have put up a warning… in English. 🙂
::sniff:: I said he cavorts with no shorts. YOU need to brush up on your BorkBorkBork and spend less time pissing off Pentacostals.
Hey, I saw “no shorts” and “fishy.” I’m thinking something else, entirely. That was NOT what I was thinking! Heheheh…
And I still think it’s funny that I’m getting screamed at about going to hell, when I’m going to a pub. Hell, pub…. complete opposites.
The Lord put the choice right there for ya…and ya flubbed it. We saw the whole thing.
Hell, pub…. complete opposites.
Not based on some of the pubs I’ve been in.
And let’s not even talk about my sunburn right now.
Oopska burnski bunsa.