Remember My Friend, Mike Hill, Who Just Won His Republican Primary for Florida House District Two?

This is what his Democratic opponent tweeted day before yesterday:

Clever fellow, isn’t he?

I think he has “Tea Party” and The Reid/Pelosi Democratic Majority’s ObamaCare Death Panels confused, don’t you?

I mean, besides being too clever by half.

(My post on Mike here.)

4 Responses to “Remember My Friend, Mike Hill, Who Just Won His Republican Primary for Florida House District Two?”

  1. BlackDog says:

    I found that very same photo of in my dictionary. Right next to the word *ssh*le.

  2. JeffS says:

    Stay classy, Dems. Stay classy.

  3. Mr. Bingley says:

    Remember those are legit voters for the Dems under those tombstones!

  4. nightfly says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHA Bings wins the Internet today.

    And you wanna bet that if anyone tweeted such about him, that Mr. Lau would block him?

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