Required Reading For Every Yankee Fan
…while chanting the mantra “Steinbrenner SUCKS!! Steinbrenner SUCKS!!” It will be a cleansing exercise.
…With general manager Brian Cashman almost certainly and manager Joe Torre quite possibly making their great escape from the Bronx, there will be no obscuring the view to the man at the top, the man most responsible for the Yankees’ recent flops.
It is George Steinbrenner’s rapaciousness that has led to a string of questionable and, in many cases, highly regrettable personnel decisions. Once upon a time, the Yankees were content to bring aboard complementary talent to bolster the classiest roster of superstars in the game.
Am I the only one who is having fun observing all this what will we do amongst the Yankee fans? The NY papers are devoting both the front and back covers to the tragedy of the team not getting further. To heck w/ massive earthquakes and the war, the Yankees have lost.
The Yankees? Is this who you mean?
Nope, those Yankees won
Don’t you have a Mets managing job to apply for?
Oh, you mean the Yankees that always lose. Got it!
Not always lose, just choke in key games. And there are a few openings in the Yankee clubhouse for anyone inclined for abuse from George. The big question in NY is Where’s Joe Torre???