San Francisco Takes The High Road
As, of course, you expect
SAN FRANCISCO: Reagan has his highways. Lincoln has his memorial. Washington has the capital, and a state, too. But President George W. Bush may soon be the sole president to have a memorial named after him that you can contribute to from the bathroom.
From the Department of Damned-With-Faint-Praise, a group going by the regal-sounding name of the Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco is planning to ask voters here to change the name of a prize-winning water-treatment plant on the shoreline to the George W. Bush Sewage Plant.
Actually, while some folks are understandably upset about this, I think this might not be a bad thing. I mean, it may in fact take the guy who got rid of Saddam to clean up San Francisco’s shit.
Of course, these sort of people look at wastewater treatment plants as “bad things” because they handle s**t. Yet Someone has to clean up the s**t, and these very facilities are precisely the reason why we have clean(er) water (and environment) around the country. That makes them a good thing.
Proving, once again, that lefties:
(a) Have a different view of “good” and “bad” than the rest of the world;
(b) Look down on people who handle all the s**t in this world, regardless of the problems solved in the process; and
(c) Emphasize form over function, even unto the point of idiocy.
I commented in THS’s NoKo Nuke post that Jimmy Carter is the better candidate for this initiative. I retract that. Dubya has disappointed me on many things, but he was at least willing to clean up s**t, far more than Carter ever was. Or is.
So this is in fact a high honor, recognition of the fact that President Bush was there to do the work that the lefties prefer to ignore.
I wonder what Mike Rowe would say…
As I recall, the one next to Neary’s Lagoon wasn’t so bad…
There’s a treatment plant by Neary’s Lagoon? I had no idea.