Santorum Just Needs

…to go away.

I’m sick of him.

Santorum Promises Broad War on Porn

The Daily Caller flags a little-discussed position paper on Rick Santorum’s campaign website—his pledge to aggressively prosecute those who produce and distribute pornography. Santorum avers that “America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography.” He pledges to use the resources of the Department of Justice to fight that “pandemic,” by bringing obscenity prosecutions against pornographers.

…Santorum promises that he would do exactly this. His statement references going after pornography that is distributed not just on the Internet, but also “on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV.”…


18 Responses to “Santorum Just Needs”

  1. major dad says:

    Good grief, go away Santorum. What ever you think of porn, look at the numbers, it’s not going away.

  2. Ebola says:

    So conservative he wants government in your private time. What an asshat.

  3. JeffS says:

    OK, I’m not a Santorum fan. Indeed, I’m just a “Anyone but Obama”, thanks to the circular firing squad that the GOP is orchestrating.

    And that circular firing squad is why I’m pointing this out:

    “… yes, Santorum promised “vigorous” enforcement to shut down operators who are profiting from commerce in illegal obscenity, and you may agree or disagree with that. But this isn’t an issue that Santorum raised during a stump speech yesterday or that is the subject of his newest campaign ad.”


    Maybe Santorum should never have posted this statement. But why did it take so long for this problem to crop up? This stinks of blatant media shady tricks.

    Like I said, I’m tired of the GOP circular firing squad. I’m also tired of the media manipulation by BOTH parties. Enough of this shit — if they can’t make their point in a straightforward fashion, they should be selling ice cream at a strip mall.

  4. currently says:

    Glad to hear you don’t care about the pornography laws on the books.

    Maybe your time would be better spent getting these laws overturned if you really think pornography adds benefit to our society.

    I’m not very concerned about it either way, but I guess it’s another chance for you to take a shot at Santorum.

    I agree government is involved in way too many areas it shouldn’t be. But why pick porn as one of them?

  5. currently says:

    major dad says:
    March 15, 2012 at 9:47 pm

    Good grief, go away Santorum. What ever you think of porn, look at the numbers, it’s not going away.”

    Good grief, go away major dad. What ever you think of Santorum, look at the numbers, he’s not going away.

  6. Gunslinger says:

    Santorum likes to crusade on moral issues as a distraction from the fact that he’s a union shill and an ardent gun control nut.

    Good grief, go away currently. What ever you think of major dad, look at the numbers, he’s not going away.

    So get stuffed, idiot.

  7. major dad says:

    Hey currently since I didn’t say I advocated porn and was just pointing out that porn is quite popular and by the way legal. I’ll be civil and just say I’ll bet Santorum goes away before porn will.

  8. major dad says:

    And yeah, what Guns says too.

  9. JeffS says:

    I wonder when Forbes will point out Mitt’s and Newt’s commitment to enforce obscenity laws?

    For the record — please note the date of the link.

  10. currently says:

    Hey major dad,

    I’ll bet we all go away before porn does.

  11. Ebola says:

    @currently: The concept of “obscenity” laws is inane seeing as it is based in perception and quite arguably unconstitutional as a violation of free speech. The arguments made in Roth v United States and later in Memoirs v. Mass, Miller v California that obscenity essentially constituted anything “utterly without redeeming social value” allows for far too broad a brush. By that logic and the logic appraised the the cases mentioned, anything that is considered by a minority to be constituted as free speech could thereby be overridden by the majority. Essentially Judeo-Christian ad nauseam garbage, as far as the Constitution is concerned in literal form. Unless it is the abuse of a minor, it’s pretty much legal at a Constitutional level though the state level would likely be quite different.

    As for the naturalistic fallacy that time should be spent overturning federal law due to something’s societal impact, as a conservative, provided you truly were one, it should be based on the applicable Law and it’s roll in Constitutional scheme. So, if a law is Unconstitutional regardless of how bad a taste that might put in your mouth, pun intended, it still needs to be done as we are supposedly a nation of laws.

    Another chance to take a shot at Santorum? He’s a “conservative” proposing further State involvement into the personal lives of citizens on something that is quite simply not the State’s business. If pointing out a legitimate issue with his methodology of governance is “taking a shot” in the context that it is somehow unwarranted, you need to constitute a better thesis because you’re running on circular logic fuel.

    Jeff, the time it’s been on his website is irrelevant.

  12. currently says:


    Like I said, I’m not overly concerned with this matter.

    JeffS link, if you check it, shows all the candidates with basically the same response.

    All I’m saying is there are more important matters at hand.

  13. JeffS says:

    Jeff, the time it’s been on his website is irrelevant.

    Then you miss my entire point. Which I am not going to belabor.

  14. Yojimbo says:

    I’d rather they spend their legislative time getting laws and regulations off the books that restrict our freedom and liberty and inhibit business productivity. Get rid of baseline budgeting and the tax code.

    Maybe he was actually referring to “K” street when talking about eliminating porn.:)

  15. Ebola says:

    Jeff, I was agreeing with you, if the media were a baseball team they’d still be in the first inning of a game started decades ago thanks to the inability to catch.

    @currently, if so why make a retort? Counter-productive to not giving a shit to make a half conceived rebuttal.

  16. Ebola says:

    Jimbo, right there with you.

  17. major dad says:

    The porn thing is a canard that doesn’t need to be there, there are far more important issues…

  18. nightfly says:

    If Santorum wants to help stamp out porn, he should go get himself ordained. He’s not running for Pope, he’s running for President.

    That being said, he doesn’t think that he’s running for God, the way President Three-Putt does. But it’s not exactly a comfort anyway.

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