Serious, SERIOUS Crush on This Silver Haired, Silver Tongued


3 Responses to “Serious, SERIOUS Crush on This Silver Haired, Silver Tongued”

  1. Syd B. says:

    I predicted a long time ago that Mr. Gowdy would be POTUS ine

  2. Syd B. says:

    I predicted a long time ago that Mr. Gowdy would be POTUS some day and I’m more convinced every time I hear him speak. He makes most other politicians look feeble.

  3. Greg Newsom says:

    Normally, I don’t like or trust politicians.I’ve been following this guy, he seems for real.
    Notice how the IRS guy has no fear of his job or status,he’s wearing an invincible shield given to him by the ‘Fabian’, I mean Federal government.
    This is sad.”We the People”
    Not anymore . it’s we the Feds.

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