Since This Happened in Our Neighborhood

…I’ll blame Al Gore III for the copycat crime.

Girl charged in DUI, chase
11-year-old driver from Perdido Key in 100-mph chase in Orange Beach
An 11-year-old Perdido Key girl has been charged with driving under the influence after she led Orange Beach police on a high-speed chase.
Greg Duck, Orange Beach assistant police chief, said the Tuesday night chase — which was caught on a dashboard camera in a police cruiser — started about 10:30 p.m. in Orange Beach near the Florida line. It ended just inside the Gulf Shores city limits when the girl crashed and rolled the Chevy Monte Carlo she was driving.

I hope she didn’t hit a Perdido Key Beach Mouse on her way through.
She’s really in hot water then.

3 Responses to “Since This Happened in Our Neighborhood”

  1. Paul McNamara says:

    And here’s an unfortunate juxtaposition of this news story and a beer ad.

  2. BWAHahahaha! That’s hiLARIOUS, Paul! “Hooray Beer!” Great catch. And a warm Swill welcome!

  3. Dave J says:

    As a traffic offense, DUI goes to ADULT county court no matter how old you are. The irony is, she could escape to the juvenile justice system if the State files Aggravated Fleeing & Eluding, a felony, because all felonies go to juvy court unless they’re direct-filed on as adults.

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