Thank You for the Hezbollah View



It would be more fun if Helen Thomas realized he was layin’ a hurt on her.
And then shut up for a while.

13 Responses to “Thank You for the Hezbollah View”

  1. Gunslinger says:

    Yeesh! I’ve seen mummies in better shape than Helen Thomas. Someone unplug her oxygen tent!

  2. Mike Rentner says:

    It’s about time someone treated her as the idiot she is.

  3. Carola says:

    I thought the whole exchange was hilarious and she’s too stupid to realize idiotic she sounds.
    I think she looks like Fat B*stards mother.

  4. Make room for senile great-grandmammy.

  5. Dave E. says:

    She hit a press conference too far a long time ago. “Jumped the shark” would take a distant second to “Jumped the Helen Thomas”, except for the fact that any normal human who actually uttered the latter would likely turn to stone.

  6. “Jumped the Helen Thomas”, except for the fact that any normal human who actually uttered the latter would likely turn to stone.
    As I nearly did upon reading your horrific comment. One more like THAT out of you, little man, and you’re a goner.

  7. Susanna says:

    Danny Thomas! Most famous Leb of all!

  8. The_Real_JeffS says:

    That video clip has me thinking Helen Thomas had her blood replaced with formaldehyde.

  9. Mr. Bingley says:

    “Jumped the Helen Thomas”

  10. “Most famous Leb of all”
    Well, second, right after Max Klinger.
    Still, the similarity between the Thomases Helen and Danny (especially in his later years) is amazing.

  11. Susanna says:

    Oh, yes, Jamie Farr.
    Hmmm. For some reason, growing up in Tucson amidst hundreds of Thomases (Lebs! all of them! Lebs!), it was very Thomas-centric.
    Even though we were devotees of Cprl Maxwell Q. Klinger of Toledo, Ohio at a very young age. We were onto his game, as it was explained to us by our parents.

  12. The best part about Klinger is that he was supposed to be a one-time joke but the joke was so good it became permanent.

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