The Lebanese Government Has Resigned
The Bush Freedom Train just keeps a rollin’ along. As a world famous Muslim once sang, in a most satisfying and ironic fashion:
“I been happy lately, thinkin’ about the good things to come…”
However, MSM, in their own peculiar fashion, are celebrating in a more subdued manner. Witness this MSNBCdotCOM front page.
Michaelloveslittleboys Jackson?
Front and ugly-disintegrating-mug center, along with a story about insurgents blowing up some more Iraqis and Chris Rock at the Oscars.
Momentous events in Lebanon?
Tucked under the “Also in the News” banner.
How refreshing would it be to see people power trumpeted across the top of the page? Kinda like it was when the Ukraine put the people pedal to the metal. Remember that? I guess the difference was it couldn’t be connected in any way to W’s Middle East policies, whereas today’s little gem has his fingerprints all over it. The Bush Freedom Train can become the Peace Train. Freedom and self determination bring that kinda good stuff with it.
*Update: They’ve moved it up into the “More Top Stories” section. God, that had to hurt!
*Update to the Update: It’s finally the headline. Ye gods and little fishes, it’s taken what? Ten hours or so? I’ve killed the link. They don’t deserve the traffic.