The Tree Rat
Look at this little bastard
A squirrel that has lost his tail.
Pity it wasn’t his head instead.
Look at this little bastard
A squirrel that has lost his tail.
Pity it wasn’t his head instead.
Fun | Mr. Bingley | July 4, 2008 9:28 pm
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What have you got against the cutest kind of rodent?
Tree rats.
Damned Tree Rats.
that’s what they are!
Are you sure your dog doesn’t have a trophy somewhere?
We have one running around here that has a rat tail. Literally. Lost almost all the hair off it.
Here, kitty kitty kitty… I have a cute toy for you to chase around!
Looks like a mutant to me.
My cat was yelling obscenities at one from the window yesterday morning, and that’s the only time I tolerate that kind of language from her. The only rodents I hate more are chipmunks–they have destroyed the retaining walls in my parents’ yard with their tunneling.