They Can’t Sing About All The Jobs Created Or Saved For Them

So Poley Bears and Big Bird will have to do

Has there ever been a more pathetic campaign.

6 Responses to “They Can’t Sing About All The Jobs Created Or Saved For Them”

  1. JeffS says:

    In addition to pathetic, that is creepy.

    Seriously, this:

    “We don’t have to pay for freeways!
    Our schools are good enough
    Give us endless wars
    On foreign shores
    And lots of Chinese stuff”


    “We haven’t killed all the polar bears
    But it’s not for lack of trying
    Big Bird is sacked
    The Earth is cracked
    And the atmosphere is frying”

    Fear mongering, anyone? Do it for the children!

    I also find it odd that one has to go to the YouTube site to see it’s pro-Obama. Nice job, shills.

  2. David Crawford says:

    Those Obama children singing commercials always remind me of this scene:

  3. Greg Newsom says:

    Creepy is right..This seems like something out of the Pink Floyd movie ‘The Wall”
    Or maybe,way before your time, the movie ‘Village of the Damned”,creepy

  4. aelfheld says:

    What would the children of the future say if we let them down this November?

    Better question: What will the children of the future say if we let them be further indebted by re-electing Obama this November?

  5. Chancy*girl says:

    Poor things are so depressed. Not a smile on any of their faces. Betcha Romney kids would be happy.

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