They Could Buy Us For A Much More Reasonable Price…

Heck, I’ll even get THS to start practicing her Zsa-Zsa accent

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) – AOL Inc will buy The Huffington Post for $315 million, relying on the high-profile liberal pundit and onetime candidate for governor of California who co-founded the influential website to rescue it from the dustbin of Internet history.

Better get us now while we’re cheap!

8 Responses to “They Could Buy Us For A Much More Reasonable Price…”

  1. Rob says:

    Whore. 🙂

  2. Syd B. says:

    Isn’t it the Mother of All Irony that the lefty blog who has blamed everyone right of San Fransisco for the evils of Wall street would enter this wonderful capitalist transaction where the big winners were Huffbag and her banker investor friends who have a steak in Huffpo:

    Alan Patricof’s Greycroft Partners

    Softbank Capital

    Oak Investment Partners (which kicked in $25 million in late 2008)

    and, fittingly, Robert W. Pittman, the former AOL

    Yep, Bush and his Wall Street buddies are the root of all evil.

  3. Yojimbo says:

    Are you sure this isn’t one of the Onion stories. Who is in charge of business models at that joint anyway? I guess if people are willing to pay, what was it, five or six billion dollars for a coupon clipping site….

    I’d put yours up for 316 million and see if it gets hit.

  4. Gary from Jersey says:

    Better get us now while we’re cheap!

    This from a guy who buys wine by the box.

  5. Mr. Bingley says:

    Gary broke the italic key!

  6. Mr. Bingley says:

    Rob, I’m willing to be a whore; giving it away for free can be an expensive hobby.

  7. Rob says:

    I’m disappointed, Mr B. What happened to pride and passion … and the thrill of it all?

    Yeah, I don’t have any of that, either.

  8. tree hugging sister says:

    “What happened to pride and passion … and the thrill of it all?”

    Well, Rob, as the doe said when she came out of the woods, “I’ll never do THAT for five bucks again!”

    Bingley’s, like, “Two Buck Chuck”, if you get my drift.

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