Today’s Washington “Snapshot in Time”
Eight Years After Clinton Left D.C.
Isn’t it great NOT to be the homeliest kid in class any more? (Although, as I pointed out to Bingley, the little blonde front row, third from the right looks suspiciously like Amy Carter. Bingley said all those Southerners are close, trailer park-wise and I should ask Cracker if I don’t believe him.)
(We don’t know who did this ~ not Bubba, we mean the Photoshop ~ but whoEVER it was, he’s a sick and twisted…genius.)
It’s “Second from right”, for those of you who care about such things.
Like accuracy.
I’m not sure if we should reward the person who did this Photoshop with a million bucks for the humor, or take him out back, and beat him/her senseless with a baseball bat for giving us nightmares.
Perhaps both?
I tell you what, that teacher ought to be getting nervous…
Real JeffS: I vote for option two.
Come see the violence inherent in the system!
And it’s number three to my discerning eye, Bingley, you pinhead.
I think this is all part of a plot to help get Hillary elected in 2020.