Tonight’s TV Viewing !!Alert!!

Big Bang Theory and…NIMOY!!!!!!!

“The Transporter Malfunction”


That is all.

5 Responses to “Tonight’s TV Viewing !!Alert!!”

  1. Rob says:

    DVR is all set.

  2. Fausta says:

    Whoa! Nimoy here, Ben Casey at Suzette’s.
    I’m having time warp whiplash.

  3. Ebola says:

    WTF? Did they get rid of Amy Farrah Fowler?! 😛

  4. Rob says:

    Kinda disappointed in the episode. Don’t want to spoil it for someone who hasn’t seen it but I was hoping for something else.

  5. tree hugging sister says:

    It wasn’t exactly a barnburner, but it WAS cute Sorta like we got him…NOW what do we do!?!??!

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