Two Hot Chicks…

…with smokin’ breasts and thighs

9 Responses to “Two Hot Chicks…”

  1. Rob says:

    And you’ve just about covered all of the clean jokes, Mr B.

  2. JeffS says:

    He forgot about the luscious legs, Rob.

    Hey! Where are the beer cans?

  3. Mark says:

    He left out the beautiful tans…

    I haven’t tried over the charcoal yet – but I’ve had success on the gasser with beer can chicken (and Coke, Ginger Ale (better than expected)).

  4. Kate P says:

    Yeah, but Mark—don’t they know tanning beds are bad for them?

    We used to cook two chickens for Thanksgiving (three kids require more drumsticks than one bird can provide) and name them each year, so. . . Pamela and Raquel?

  5. David Crawford says:

    Best part about those chicks? No heads, ergo, no mouths. Breasts, thighs, and no mouth. God, if I only had one girlfriend in my life like that.

  6. Ave says:

    Obviously that photo’s been retouched.

  7. tree hugging sister says:

    By The Onion, Ave.

  8. Julie says:

    No mouth? but then she can’t… nevermind, I ain’t sayin’ nothin’. Not a thing.

  9. Kathy Kinsley says:

    (Grins at Julie.)

    Me neither. Keepin’ my mouth SHUT.

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