Vacation! Be Kind To Sis!

Going here

to see


Sadly, none of this

this trip.
See y’all in awhile!

7 Responses to “Vacation! Be Kind To Sis!”

  1. If you meet up with any Rosses or McKenzies, tell them hello from Cousin Ken.

  2. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Have a great vacation. And don’t forget to wear your kilt!

  3. Dear God, wipe that vision from my brain.

  4. mojo says:

    Cop: “I’m very sorry for the mix-up sir, but we had a report of an extremely ugly woman in a plaid dress strangling a cat.”

  5. mojo BWAHAhahahahahaha!!!
    Bingley hates cats.

  6. That 1 Guy says:

    Sweet!!! Have a great trip!

  7. Kcruella says:

    Have a fun time, guess it’s too late to ask to bring me back a present

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