Wabs Are Just The Bestest
I admit it, this (via Ace) brought back memories and I cried. But what a schweet fun loving boy!
The full-bore belly giggles from the child are priceless.
I admit it, this (via Ace) brought back memories and I cried. But what a schweet fun loving boy!
The full-bore belly giggles from the child are priceless.
Fun | Mr. Bingley | November 15, 2014 5:02 pm
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*final scene*
Daughter: “Slide down, Raphie!”
Raphie: “Hey kid! Lemme catch my breath first!”
Labradors are awesome.
“Isn’t fun the best thing to have?” – Arthur Bach, “Arthur” 🙂 Who would’ve thought body-surfing on snow would be so fun? Only a lab…