Wanna Know How I Knew This Was a Hoax?
Sasquatch hunters claim hairy corpse is Bigfoot
Two men say DNA will prove that the frozen creature is legendary beast
These guys may have a freezerfull, but any red blooded American should recognize the suit…
(And how can you be a “legendary Bigfoot hunter” if you’ve never actually caught one?)
Legendary on these terms means you’re a recognized nutcase with too much time and/or money and you spend your time out in the woods mergling at things and imagining orange vested hunters are big foot out for a walk.
Ah, Trading Places: an underappreciated work of comic genius.
What happened to the Montauck Monster? One
thing must be solved before another can enter my brain.
I’m still working on that one.
Looking good, William!
Feeling good, Louis!
One of my favorite movies, ever.