We Are Officially The Soviet Union
I just went to the ShopRong to get some vittles, and they are completely out of Italian Sausage and deep dish pie shells.
Welcome to Barack’s Socialist Paradise.
I just went to the ShopRong to get some vittles, and they are completely out of Italian Sausage and deep dish pie shells.
Welcome to Barack’s Socialist Paradise.
Fun, Life | Mr. Bingley | December 23, 2011 11:21 am
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So what’s rong with caviar and blinis for a change?
Do you want to see Claude trudging down the street with a bandana tied to a stick seeking a more suitable living enviornment?
I think it’s more of a public safety issue with you.
I couldn’t even find candy canes today!
Oh, and I almost forgot: even worse was that they were OUT OF PORK ROLL!!!!!!!
I alays have a pork roll reserve in the freezer cause you never know when that shortage will hit
i had to drive all over today to find fresh japenos to make the annual Christmas Eve Texas chili. Very odd.
The local Scout Council was shut down today — I wanted to buy a Cub Scout knife for a grand nephew. Clearly, they were shut down because they nothing to sell.
Cats and dogs are living together, I tells ya!
I got your italian sausage right here comrade;$20.99/lb.
We got deep dish pieshells, 4pack for $39.99. Loose case Budlight, $89.99!
Yojimbo, I will never let our darling Claude go homeless. Bingley, however…