Well, Like Millions Of Other Folks…
My Xbox360 has given me the dreaded RRoD. I have to say because MicroSoft was afraid of lawsuits over how many of these things crap out that they’ve (so far, at least) got the response down to a science: you call the 800 number and a few days later you receive a box to UPS your console back to them, and in a few weeks you get another one back that hopefully works. We’ll see.
Anyhow, to tide me over until it returns I’ve re-connected the PS2.
Man, I really missed playing Rachet and Clank! Especially “Up Your Arsenal” featuring Courtney Gears…
R&C is one of the funniest video games out there.
Good luck with the fixed unit. I have heard some pretty bad stories about people returning the unit several times and getting no results.
Yeah, I know a few who have had that ‘pleasure’ as well…
I still miss my Dreamcast.
Dear GOD.
Get. A. LIFE.
Too bad I’m not a gamer, else I’d step in to defend Mr. Bingley.
I sure love my Wii.