(Not that he had much to say as the duck anyway.)

Gilbert Gottfried canned as Aflac Duck voice

Aflac Inc. has fired comedian Gilbert Gottfried, the voice of the Aflac Duck, for insensitive remarks he tweeted about Japan after the major earthquake and tsunami.

Oh, that Twitter…

8 Responses to “What AFLACking JERK

  1. Rob says:

    Put that under the “Man, that was stupid” column.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    Twitter claims another one.

    God, I love it.

    Assholes CAN NOT RESIST its siren call.

  3. kcruella101 says:

    Didn’t he also make some really bad jokes right after 9/11?

  4. Dan Collins says:

    It’s all right that he couldn’t hack it as a duck. He can always go back to being a cartoon parrot for an evil vizier.

  5. Skyler says:

    Um, he’s a comedian. That’s kind of what his job is. He’s never been a good one.

    Jokes, even terribly insensitive ones, can work in the right venue. It appears that twitter is not the right venue for these jokes. But who here hasn’t heard more tasteless jokes than these and laughed?

    I think firing him is stupid. I think hiring him was more stupid, but once you hire a bad comedian who tells tasteless jokes, you ought to expect more tasteless jokes.

  6. Teresa says:

    Perhaps they should read twitter streams before hiring anyone else. What a waste of space he is.

  7. Yojimbo says:

    I guess the pinhead ruffled too many feathers.

  8. Dave E. says:

    Well, if it quacks like a schmuck…

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