When Criminals in This World Appear and Break the Laws That They Should Fear

The cry goes up both far and near
for Goat! Leaping Goat! Goat! Leaping Goat!

Speed of lightning, hooves of thunder
Launching over cops Down Under!

Goooooat! Leaping Goat!

Leaping Goat!


You think Blair would tell you about this National Embarrassment?

Hardly. He wants to talk about guys named “Peter Slipper” and wankers in wigs.

5 Responses to “When Criminals in This World Appear and Break the Laws That They Should Fear”

  1. JeffS says:

    Once again, nature proves that 4 legs are faster than 2.

    By the way, this story about getting someone’s goat is tantalizingly familiar. I just can’t quite put my finger on the memory….

  2. Dr Alice says:

    I’m desperately trying to come up with a defense for Tim here… perhaps he was distracted by the flooding in Queensland?

  3. nightfly says:

    Heh, any excuse to quote “Underdog” is OK by me.

  4. JeffS says:

    Hah! I missed that reference, ‘fly.

    Well, I always did prefer Sweet Polly Purebred singing “Oh where, oh where has my Underdog gone?”

  5. tree hugging sister says:

    Thanks for noticing, Diptera. I was beginning to despair…

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