With All These Rules…

I’d want to know what WHUDU was, before I made it. Schmaybe I’d choose not to.

1) I plan on performing nikah soon and I wish to take my wife on honeymoon. Can you please advise me on the correct intention to make before leaving on honeymoon?
Salaams, 1) I plan on performing nikah soon and I wish to take my wife on honeymoon. Can you please advise me on the correct intention to make before leaving on honeymoon? 2) Is it true that our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) use to eat something sweet after his meal? 3) If a married couple has intercourse is it necessary to place a towel on the bed to prevent any orgasmic fluids? 4) If by chance semen does falls onto the bed, does it mean the bed is napaak? 5) Is it permissible to go for a massage if given by the same sex? 6) Is it permissible to make whudu with contact lenses? May Allah reward you

I know you’re dying for the answers. Pencil and paper ready, please. There’ll be a quiz.

1. The very concept of going on a honeymoon is alien to Islam. Yes, you may go out with your wife to a quiet place that affords you additional privacy to get to know each other better, etc. Your intention may be around these lines. Also, there is no sense in going for this trip to a place that is very busy or crowded with other tourists, etc. This would obviously defeat the purpose of your travel to this place.
2. There is nothing specifically mentioned. Yes, the eating of fruit or dates before and after both have been mentioned.
3. It is better to place something like a towel, etc. beneath her. Cleanliness demands something be placed there to prevent the bed being soiled.
4. No, the bed is not Napaak. Only the bedsheet or the place it falls onto is Napaak.
5. Yes, it is permissible provided the person massaging does so without touching the Satr and without any fear of falling into temptation.
6. Yes, it is permissible. Contact lenses are worn in the eyes. This area of the eyes are not washed in Wudhu. Hence, the wearing of contact lenses does not affect the validity of Wudhu.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Muhammad Kadwa
CHECKED & APPROVED: Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Stolen from Ask-Imam.com, question 14602. I’d link, but then they’d check back through their webstats, which probably have a fatwa generator attached for hurling jihads at infidels at a moment’s notice and I can do without an exploding Toyota. It does that pretty well on its own already.

One Response to “With All These Rules…”

  1. Ken Summers says:

    Allah Ta’ala
    Bo Ba’ala
    Banana fana fo fa’ala
    Me mi mo ma’ala
    I just never get tired of that.

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