Word of the Day
apophasis \uh-PAH-fuh-sis\ noun
: the raising of an issue by claiming not to mention it
apophasis \uh-PAH-fuh-sis\ noun
: the raising of an issue by claiming not to mention it
Littrachure | Mr. Bingley | September 12, 2005 11:28 am
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I don’t need to mention that I get the word of the day emails too, so I won’t.
(Then I won’t mention how I’ve noticed you never use them…)
Say what?
I thought this was a Howard Dean Press Release.
He would have said something.
THS, a while back I had considered requiring myself to use the WotD at least once a day in my blog and see how long it was until someone called me on it.
Then I realized I’d just look foolish. Or foolisher, if you may.
How apophatic of you.