Word of the Day
nugatory \NOO-guh-tor-ee\ adjective
1 : of little or no consequence : trifling, inconsequential
2 : having no force : inoperative
– NOU-gat : see:BINGLEY
nugatory \NOO-guh-tor-ee\ adjective
1 : of little or no consequence : trifling, inconsequential
2 : having no force : inoperative
– NOU-gat : see:BINGLEY
Littrachure | tree hugging sister | March 16, 2006 8:57 am
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I thought “nugatory” was about these folks
would that be a “noogietorium” ken?
More like the old song, Ken:
And, for Diptera’s sake and because it’s LENT, I did NOT link to the amazing David Hasselhoff video. See? I’m sensitive and respect other cultures.
You really are an inspiration Sis. A shining example in these dark times.
“Dark” being the operative word.
I live to serve.
You have my thanks for avoiding that particular temptation, Ms. Sister. ‘Course I shoulda known that Hasselhoff did a cover – hopefully in German, just for the comedy value.