Oh. And for asking a fellow (shortly there-after unfriended, just like the commercial),
“Who OWES you a job? And, if said PRIVATELY, religiously inclined company actually OFFERS you one, who are YOU to accept and then DEMAND THEY change for YOU?”
What I wrote:
Seriously. IF you CHOOSE to work for an employer who ~ and you KNOW this accepting the job ~ has sincere religious tenets and infuses them constantly through EVERY phase of the company, from boardroom to advertising, DON’T be surprised if you can’t DO everything ~ and HAVE everything you’d have ~ if you worked at a publicly held corp like Proctor and Gamble, or something. If YOU CAN’T live within the precepts of the FAMILY who OWNS the business, DON’T WORK FOR THEM. People ALWAYS get blistered when a religiously based, PRIVATELY held entity (like a Catholic school, etc.) abides by ITS rules and expects ITS employees ~ who knew that going in ~ to do the same, and it’s the most LUDICROUS thing I’ve ever heard. They don’t OWE you that job, less mind anything else. NOR do they OWE YOU the dilution of those principles for YOUR convenience or in answer to some bureaucrat’s mandate. Seek employment in a place that reflects your values, lack there of, or is publicly held and wonderfully diverse enough to answer to ALL it’s employees’ demands and those the current/future administration chooses to place upon them by fiat.
This utterly manufactured outrage (not to mention the outright LIES, considering the employer in question covered over SIXTEEN forms of BIRTH CONTROL and only chose to contest the abortifacients) at a narrow decision protecting that privately/closely held company right from the most egregious intrusion of Government By The Bic is ridiculous.
Three Kidnapped Israeli Teens Found Dead in Hebron
The three Israeli teenagers kidnapped several weeks ago by Hamas have been found dead in the Palestinian area of Hebron, where Israeli forces are currently raiding Palestinian homes, according to Israeli military sources.
The Israeli Defense Forces confirmed late Monday during a press briefing that the bodies had been discovered. Hamas operatives near Jerusalem were identified by Israeli intelligence sources as being responsible for the kidnapping.
I despise this president more than anything I can possibly imagine except for the folks he has emboldened.
ths update: THIS is what a REAL LEADER OF HIS PEOPLE promises:
Netanyahu: ‘Hamas Will Pay’ For The Killing Of Three Israeli Teens
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised a strong response to the killing of three Israeli teens abducted from a highway junction outside of the West Bank settlement of Kfar Etziyon on June 12th.
The Israeli security cabinet is currently meeting to weigh possible responses to the teens’ murders. Netanyahu ordered an extensive air campaign in the Gaza Strip in late 2012 in response to rocket attacks originating in the Hamas-controlled coastal area. While the campaign resulted in the deaths of several high-ranking Hamas operatives, including Hamas military chief Ahmed Jabari, the campaign ceased admit international pressure — and resulted in Israel lightening its control of goods and individuals entering the Strip.
…On his Facebook page, Netanyahu was clear in assigning responsibility.
He wrote that the three were “murdered in cold blood by human animals,” and promised that “Hamas is responsible, and Hamas will pay.”
No #hashtag required for THAT message.
the fellow on the right started WW I

But it’s NOT “inhumane”. Even the locals are saying it’s cultural, in a “free stuff is what I rate/you OWE me” sort of way.
Majority Of Delinquent Detroit Water Customers In Culture Of: ‘You’re Not Making Me Pay,’ Says Deputy Director
DETROIT (WWJ) – Several people protested outside the Detroit Water And Sewerage Department building Thursday, saying customers are having service cut off at an alarming rate and the practice is inhumane.
Organizer David Bullock with the Change Agent Consortium says the water department is going after customers that may be as little as $150 delinquent and says the department ignores large corporations which are behind.
“People always want to attack the poor … why are we attacking poor people?” he asked.
But when asked which large companies are behind in their payments, Bullock would only say that WWJ should research the issue.
…City of Detroit Water And Sewerage Department Deputy Director, Darryl Latimer,…
“The majority of our customers (who) are in delinquency status, they just built a culture of ,’You’re not making me pay— I am not going to pay’,” said Latimer.
How nice to have him in custody.
Marine who disappeared in Iraq in U.S. custody
A Lebanese-born U.S. Marine who allegedly deserted his post in Iraq and then faked a video showing his capture by militants is in U.S. custody after being on the lam for about 10 years, the Marine Corps said Sunday.
The Naval Criminal Investigative Service worked with Cpl. Wassef Hassoun “to turn himself in and return to the United States to face charges under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice,” the Marine Corps said in a statement.
A Defense official said he was flown to the United States from a Middle East country, where he negotiated his return. The official asked not to be named since he was not authorized to discuss the case publicly. Hassoun has family in Lebanon.
I don’t want to hear anything about “he’s suffered enough”, either.

Are they really that surprised that their ratings are in the toilet?
…that the Media is completely ignoring
SALEM, N.J. (CBS) — A fast-food worker viciously attacked a young mother in front of the victim’s young son and the entire attack was caught on tape.
The attack happened Tuesday afternoon in the city of Salem, New Jersey and video of the assault was later posted on Facebook.
The Salem Police Chief posted on his Facebook page that the suspect has been identified and charges are being filed against the suspect.
In the video, a woman wearing what appears to be a McDonald’s uniform is shown attacking another woman.
I can assure you that were the components reversed in this “incident” this story would be leading off every news broadcast.
Sure, we can’t search your cell phone but we will comb through all your purchases
You may soon get a call from your doctor if you’ve let your gym membership lapse, made a habit of picking up candy bars at the check-out counter or begin shopping at plus-sized stores.
That’s because some hospitals are starting to use detailed consumer data to create profiles on current and potential patients to identify those most likely to get sick, so the hospitals can intervene before they do.
Information compiled by data brokers from public records and credit card transactions can reveal where a person shops, the food they buy, and whether they smoke. The largest hospital chain in the Carolinas is plugging data for 2 million people into algorithms designed to identify high-risk patients, while Pennsylvania’s biggest system uses household and demographic data. Patients and their advocates, meanwhile, say they’re concerned that big data’s expansion into medical care will hurt the doctor-patient relationship and threaten privacy.
Here’s a quote that should give you confidence:
“The data is already used to market to people to get them to do things that might not always be in the best interest of the consumer, we are looking to apply this for something good,” Dulin said.
Your ‘best interest’ is not for you to decide, the Experts will do it for you.
Rejoice, Dullard!
Wait ’til I tell them my “Bingley! Bingley! Bingley!” stories from growing up.
There won’t be a dry eye at corporate headquarters. They might even crowd-source a recovery fund for me.
Whapped him “in the head with a musical instrument” and now he’s emotionally scarred for life…SHEESH.
…because it was “offensive”?
The fish want some of that action, too.
Minnesota Renames ‘Asian Carp’ Because the Name Is Offensive
Minnesota’s governor recently approved a bill to rename a highly invasive species called ”Asian carp” because the name was deemed offensive to the Asian community. The fish, which have been threatening the ecosystem of the Great Lakes, will now be known as “invasive carp.”
Surprisingly, a Democratic doctoral candidate in logic and humanities is at the heart of this paroxysm of piscine pissiness:
…Democratic senator John Hoffman was responsible for sponsoring the bill.
“Caucasians brought them to America,” he told the Star Tribune. ”Should we call them ‘Caucasian carp?’ They have names. Let’s call them what they are.”
We have a name for you as well, Senator, but Bingley keeps telling me we’re a ‘family” blog. Or Christians. Or something that impedes my creativeness.
WHO you gonna believe? Weeelllll, it’s about time I brushed off this oldie but TOTALLY APPROPRIATE goodie!

Or is it the solution?
WTF kind of gobbledygook is this for a KINDERGARTENER to “learn” and WHO is the MORON that thought it was a good idea?
My counterfeit Hasselhoff videos are finally SAFE, I tell you ~ SAFE!
Get ready for the “It’s not Obama’s fault really it was the weather” excuses to fly fast and furious
The U.S. economy contracted in the first quarter by the most since the depths of the last recession as consumer spending cooled.
Gross domestic product fell at a 2.9 percent annualized rate, more than forecast and the worst reading since the same three months in 2009, after a previously reported 1 percent drop, the Commerce Department said today in Washington. It marked the biggest downward revision from the agency’s second GDP estimate since records began in 1976, owed primarily to a slowdown in health care spending.
Total suckage on everything he touches.
More better:
The revision reflected a drop in spending tied to health care services. The Bureau of Economic Analysis had estimated that major provisions of President Obama’s signature health care law would boost outlays. A quarterly services survey released this month showed the assumptions were too optimistic. Outlays for health spending actually dropped in the first quarter, subtracting 0.16 percentage point from GDP. The Commerce Department previously estimated those outlays added 1 percentage point to GDP.
I would suggest to the editors that when you predict a policy will increase spending and it actually causes it to drop you are not “too optimistic” but in fact what we in the real world call “dead wrong.”
I love how as organizations drift to the Left they invariably take it out on the Jews
The largest U.S. Presbyterian church narrowly voted Friday to divest from three multinational corporations that it said supply Israel with products that promote violence in occupied Palestinian territories.
The divestment, vehemently opposed by many of the nation’s prominent Jewish organizations, and hailed by many pro-Palestinian activists, passed by seven votes after hours of tense and complex debate. It means the Presbyterian Church (USA) will sell its shares of Motorola Solutions, Caterpillar and Hewlett Packard, worth about $21 million.
The vote at the church’s biennial General Assembly, meeting this week in Detroit, was 310 to 303. It makes the 1.76-million member church the largest religious group to vote for divestment, an issue that has been fiercely debated in recent years among mainline Protestants. The Episcopal Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America both have rejected divestment. Presbyterians have discussed divestment for a decade, and a similar vote was defeated by a slim margin two years ago at the last church assembly.
There was an audible gasp on the floor of the COBO Center in downtown Detroit after the motion passed. “In no way is this a reflection of our lack of love for our Jewish brothers and sisters,” Heath Rada, the church assembly’s moderator, told the assembly afterwards.
Read that revealing quote again:
“In no way is this a reflection of our lack of love for our Jewish brothers and sisters,” Heath Rada, the church assembly’s moderator, told the assembly afterwards.
I guess they’re coming up with something really good to properly reflect their lack of love…
In other religious news here’s Pope Leo XIII rocking it in 1896
Well, hell, you just change the facts
Prior to the year 2000, NASA showed US temperatures cooling since the 1930?s, and 1934 much warmer than 1998.
…Right after the year 2000, NASA and NOAA dramatically altered US climate history, making the past much colder and the present much warmer. The animation below shows how NASA cooled 1934 and warmed 1998, to make 1998 the hottest year in US history instead of 1934. This alteration turned a long term cooling trend since 1930 into a warming trend.
You know, it almost seems as though this is all about government control.
I’m not quite sure how this works:

Buy one, get one free…no purchase necessary?
Let the gator move his own self.
Or just drive around him.
You’re welcome.
I’m sitting at the bar at Jamians in Red Bank waiting for Gregor.
And a guy buys me a shot.
Because he couldn’t buy one for the waitress.
You know, the type who oppress “immigrants”, and force them to live in squalor and brutalize them horrifically
(the picture at that link is NSFW and very very graphic)
What happened to Darius in the City of Poets, a poor immigrant district in the bleak northern suburbs of Paris, has shocked France.
Now, to add to the distressing accounts, a picture of the battered 16–year–old Roma boy, has been passed to The Telegraph.
Darius was beaten by a gang of youths, dumped in a supermarket trolley and left for dead on the side of the road.
A mob of about 20 balaclava–wearing vigilantes snatched the teenager from his family after he was accused of burgling a nearby flat.
They dragged him from the squalid Roma camp where his family had moved a month ago, hauled him across the tram lines to the nearby housing estate, and pummelled him in the basement of a building. A neighbour, a Roma who has been living in the area for several years, later found the boy unconscious in a car park, slumped in a trolley, wearing his red T–shirt and track suit bottoms, his face swollen and bruised.
It is disgusting.
…her magazine[ths corrects] “NEWS”paper facilitated electing and implementing.
The team and NFL should change the Redskins name, not the federal government
Now that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has struck a governmental blow against commodified ethnic insults, I’m nervous, because I may have “disparaged” somebody this morning when I buttered my toast. After I put away the Land O Lakes butter with that Indian maiden logo on the box, I bit off a chew of Red Man tobacco and climbed into a Jeep Cherokee.
The Washington football club ought to ditch its slur of a trademark, voluntarily. It ought to do so on the grounds of basic decency and good taste, and, you’d hope, with an intelligent sense of history, context and place. If they won’t do it willingly, then the rest of us and their colleagues in the NFL ought to embarrass, jeer and cajole them into it.
But the method currently being employed, the mobilization of the U.S. government in favor of a correct sensibility, is wrong.
Welcome to the “New Normal”, chica. Tell the guys in the penthouse office “thanks”.