Because BingleyMan.XXX Asked Me To

…and for no other reason.
If you have the stomach for it, click through. He says this is for Sharon…
(Or was it Ken?)

9 Responses to “Because BingleyMan.XXX Asked Me To”

  1. Mr. Bingley says:

    Those darn cameraphones; you never know when someone is taking your picture.

  2. WunderKraut says:

    ARRRGGG! I am blind!

  3. Dave E says:

    Oh My God….the GIF from Hell. We must find the author, expose it to sunlight, and watch it burst into flames.

  4. Happy Birthday, Kraut!

  5. Ken Summers says:

    That is so disturbing on so many levels (apparently, infinite levels…)

  6. Mr. Bingley says:

    Hi DaveE! Welcome! Eat some cheese curds for me!

  7. Nightfly says:

    Geez, Infinitely Recursive Hasselhoff. I think even the Germans don’t love this.

  8. WunderKraut says:

    umm….thanks THS? I think….
    That would rank up there as the worst birthday presents EVER…speaking of the gif of doom that is…

  9. You’re welcome. I live to serve.

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