Because BingleyMan.XXX Asked Me To
…and for no other reason.
If you have the stomach for it, click through. He says this is for Sharon…
(Or was it Ken?)
…and for no other reason.
If you have the stomach for it, click through. He says this is for Sharon…
(Or was it Ken?)
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Those darn cameraphones; you never know when someone is taking your picture.
ARRRGGG! I am blind!
Oh My God….the GIF from Hell. We must find the author, expose it to sunlight, and watch it burst into flames.
Happy Birthday, Kraut!
That is so disturbing on so many levels (apparently, infinite levels…)
Hi DaveE! Welcome! Eat some cheese curds for me!
Geez, Infinitely Recursive Hasselhoff. I think even the Germans don’t love this.
umm….thanks THS? I think….
That would rank up there as the worst birthday presents EVER…speaking of the gif of doom that is…
You’re welcome. I live to serve.