Category: Nanny State

We Can Relate

What we seeing play out now in the Brexit post-mortem is the exact kind of over-educated, arrogant dismissal of the will of the proletariat that got them where they are. When it was all heading in REMAIN’s direction, no one really heard anything about education, income class, AGE… But now that things have gone so horribly awry for the so horribly better situated in their plans for controlling lives not their own, in an effort to delegitimize the entire process, all these patronizing denigrations of the electorate who chose LEAVE have started. When you drill down into the post-polling data, they sniff and look disgustedly Heavenward, you see UNEDUCATED (by which they mean: no sheepskin), UNWASHED, MENIAL JOBS, LOWER MIDDLE CLASS, LOVELY FILTH OVER HERE, DENNIS! Ergo, this entire process is tainted, denying the flower of UK 20 somethings the future of THEIR choice (“I’m NOT British, I’m EUROPEAN” read one sweet young thing’s sign), as these selfish, “patriotic” OLD FUCKERS who are going to DIE SOON ANYWAY indulged themselves in one last fantasy round of Rule Britannia.

As David Brooks said last night, he understood LEAVE’s anger, he just wished they’d embraced a “more cosmopolitan form of patriotism.” WTF does that even MEAN?

It’s an ageist AND uneducated themed run at…your everyday, regular Brit.
The enraged, ever-so-clevers are manipulating this momentous ROAR of a formerly mewling British lion into:

Toothless, rag-selling, dung covered Alzheimer patients ruin youths’ bright future.

Don’t let them.

I’m Sure Our Prizzy Got Over His Momentary, Elitest Huff at the Brexit Results

…the second he realized what a GREAT distraction from THIS they might just turn out to be.

US durable goods orders fell 2.2% in May vs. 0.5% drop expected

I Have Been GLUED to the Brexit Returns From the UK

10:25 p.m. CST and LEAVE is 600K+ ahead. Let’s hope this holds and they get their country back.

Twenty minutes later, LEAVE is up over 800K and **sadfaces**

…plus Labour calling for Cameron’s head already.

We Have Exclusive Pictures

…of the Democratic temper tantrum sit-in fundraiser on the floor of Congress last night.

“Standing up” for your principles sure doesn’t look like it used to.

A Brilliant Speech By Daniel Hannan On Brexit

And so very much of his argument applies to us here in relation to our government

Well done, sir.

(thanks to Tim)

More Apt Today Than Ever

Filed Under: “Help, Help! I’m Being Oppressed!”

“Scared of Women and Children” Update

Düsseldorf terror plot ‘bigger than previously realized’
The Isis plot to attacks the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia was bigger than previously assumed, with ten terrorists supposed to murder people with bombs and guns, local media report.

…On Thursday three men were arrested in Düsseldorf, after a fourth plot member had turned himself in to authorities in Paris in February.

Three of the men, all of them Syrian nationals are alleged to have arrived in Germany in 2015 along the Balkan route, the route taken by refugees fleeing the Syrian civil war.

The six additional members of the plot were supposed to join them at a later point, Saleh A. who is in custody in Paris told investigators.

According to his account, two of the group were supposed to blow themselves up in the Altstadt district, the other men were then to attack more civilians with guns and explosives.

You’ll notice the article is careful to say they arrived “ALONG the Balkan route/taken by refugees” and not that these guys WERE “refugees.”

That makes it all better, n’est pas?


So Crazy, It Almost Makes Sense

I would add “and keep your damn hands off folks who don’t agree with you.” #SimpleReally

Haters Gonna Hate

Especially when they’re right

Sorry, Venezuela haters: this economy is not the Greece of Latin America
Mark Weisbrot
Predicting a Venezuelan apocalypse won’t make it happen

For more than a decade people opposed to the government of Venezuela have argued that its economy would implode. Like communists in the 1930s rooting for the final crisis of capitalism, they saw economic collapse just around the corner. How frustrating it has been for them to witness only two recessions: one directly caused by the opposition’s oil strike (December 2002-May 2003) and one brought on by the world recession (2009 and the first half of 2010). However, the government got control of the national oil company in 2003, and the whole decade’s economic performance turned out quite well, with average annual growth of real income per person of 2.7% and poverty reduced by over half, and large gains for the majority in employment, access to health care, pensions and education.

Now Venezuela is facing economic problems that are warming the cockles of the haters’ hearts. We see the bad news every day: consumer prices up 49% over the last year; a black market where the dollar fetches seven times the official rate; shortages of consumer goods from milk to toilet paper; the economy slowing; central bank reserves falling. Will those who cried wolf for so long finally see their dreams come true?

Not likely. In the opposition’s analysis Venezuela is caught in an inflation-devaluation spiral, where rising prices domestically undermine confidence in the economy and currency, causing capital flight and driving up the black market price of the dollar. This adds to inflation, as does – in their theory – money creation by the government. And its price controls, nationalisations and other interventions have caused more structural problems. Hyperinflation, rising foreign debt and a balance-of-payments crisis will mark the end of this economic experiment.

But how can a government with more than $90bn in oil revenue end up with a balance-of-payments crisis? Well, the answer is: it can’t, and won’t.

An opinion piece in The Guardian.

From 2013.

In Case You’re Keeping Score

Add another name to the “who got classified emails from Hillary” list.

Dear Worthless Bureaucrat

Take notes, please:

People are DYING waiting on the VA, unlike folks at Disneyland who only THINK they’re going to die if Space Mountain breaks down.

VA Secretary Compares Long Hospital Waits To Lines At Disneyland

…“To me personally, the day to an appointment is really not what we should be measuring, what we should be measuring is the veterans satisfaction,” he said.
To illustrate his point, he cited the long lines at Disney theme parks.

“When you go to Disney, do they measure the number of hours you wait in line or what’s important?” he said.

“What’s important is: What’s your satisfaction with the experience.

Since dead men can’t complain, I guess those numbers are going up!

Somebody needs to leave.

I Knew a Marine Was Awarded a Navy Cross for BENGHAZI

What? YOU didn’t?

Just kidding. Neither did I.

Navy SEALs secret medals reveal heroism during past 15 years

WASHINGTON — Citations for two Navy Crosses and more than 100 Silver Star medals awarded secretly to Navy SEALs and a Marine for “extraordinary heroism” in the last 15 years reflect the fierce battles that have been fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to records obtained by USA TODAY.

The Navy decorated the Marine for saving the lives of civilians in Benghazi in September 2012. Several SEALs earned theirs for intense combat in Ramadi, others for rescuing hostages in Afghanistan. The Navy also honored the deadly efficiency of the “American Sniper,” the late SEAL Chris Kyle.


The most tersely worded citation accompanied the only other Navy Cross, awarded to a Marine gunnery sergeant. His heroism on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, came amid the chaos and controversy that surrounds the attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. A House committee continues to investigate the attack, the U.S. response and the role of Hillary Clinton, then the Secretary of State and now the likely Democratic nominee for president.

It’s possible, through the citation and congressional reports on Benghazi, to sketch out his actions that night. The citation refers to his actions “in support of Overseas Contingency Operations in Sept. 2012” but does not say where. The Navy has acknowledged that it did award a Navy Cross to the Marine for his actions that night.

A House intelligence committee report on Benghazi refers to a two-person detachment of military personnel and other security personnel who flew from Tripoli that night to rescue Americans. They arrived at the besieged compound, and within 11 minutes were under attack by mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire. The attack killed two and severely wounded two others. The Marine helped treat the wounded, repel attackers and organize the evacuation.

His “valorous actions, dedication to duty and willingness to place himself in harm’s way for the protection of others was critical to the success of saving numerous United States civilian lives,” the citation says.

Interesting things are starting to filter out about that video inspired rumble in the Sahara. (You know, the one where the SecState at the time has said no Americans died?) First we learn from disgruntled AirForce types cooling their heels in Aviano that they WERE turning and burning on the tarmac, just waiting for the high sign to take off and rock some Jihadis’ world.

When we were told there wasn’t anyone who could. Administration/Hillary Clinton claim status?

Now, with this terse little report of a Marine Gunny’s extraordinary (read: MARINE) courage and exceptional organization in the middle of the shit, we learn that folks FLEW INTO TRIPOLI SPECIFICALLY with the intent to RELIVE BENGHAZI.

When we were told they couldn’t. Administration/Hillary Clinton claim status?

I don’t care WHO is running against Hillary Clinton, but I’m voting for them.

Filed Under: I Do Not Think You Know What That Word Means

“She’s horrible at running, but she’s fantastic at governing,” a longtime friend and supporter said.

SAY WHAT? Give me ONE example to prove your thesis there, champ. ONE SINGLE THING Hillary Clinton has ever touched that either wasn’t a flat-out LIE to begin with, a shit sandwich during or an epic disaster in the aftermath.

This Is Pretty Awesome

and the Borderlands tie-in makes it even better.

(hat tip to Ace)

Hillary “Didn’t Lose a Single Person”/”Went to Bed When the Call Came” Clinton

…wants you to know she really would make a fine president.

‘We could have been there’: Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response

His squadron got the alert: a “real world mission was going down.”

The team – at Aviano Air Base in northeastern Italy – raced to the field and was briefed, as planes were armed and prepared to launch. Hundreds of miles away, fellow Americans were under attack in Benghazi.

“There were people everywhere,” said the witness, who was on the ground that night but wished to remain anonymous. “That flight line was full of people, and we were all ready to go” to Benghazi.

Only they were waiting for the order. It never came.

“The whole night we were told that we are waiting on a call,”…

A old squadron Marine Corps friend of ours pointed out on FaceBook that the Google Map seems to have been adjusted to reflect to administrations contention that no one could get there in time. Google is saying it’s a NINETEEN HOUR FLIGHT from Aviano to Benghazi.

Damn. That has to be by State Department email retrieval time, because it’s only FOURHUNDRED AND FIFTY MILES as a crow flies. As an F-18 flies?

About a half an hour.

As an AC-130 Spectre flies?

Two hours, three MAX.

Horrifying it HAS to be said: pray every night for those brave Americans in uniform on the ground against ISIS and the Taliban. The ONE thing an American could ALWAYS count on was the cavalry coming to the rescue.


Once Upon a Time, There Was a Secretary of State

…who made sure she set her husband up as fast as possible at the scene of the crime natural disaster, to maximize efficiency in the recovery of their share of the pie.

No one is talking about Clinton and Haiti. They should be.
This poor fellow held a sign up in the background of a Trump Towers CNN interview, and I’m sure the few who noticed it scratched their heads.


Let’s start with a year old primer on how it all went down…the drain.

How the Clintons Worked the Angles in Haiti
Bill handled earthquake aid while Hillary was secretary of state. The nation deserved better.

The U.S. Founding Fathers went out of their way to establish a republic guided by the rule of law and not the rule of men. If there is a singular principle that has set the U.S. apart from countries south of the Rio Grande it’s the checks and balances that protect against caudillo power.

Yet in the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake, while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, the Obama administration and Congress gave Bill Clinton carte blanche in handling hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars flowing to Haiti for recovery and reconstruction. This translated into enormous political power for the former president in the poorest country in the hemisphere, making him a de facto cacique.

Mr. Clinton loves to paint himself as a third-world redeemer, as he did in an interview in Africa with an NBC reporter that aired last week. The reporter asked about charges that the Clinton Foundation’s practice of pulling in big money from governments and wealthy donors during Hillary’s tenure as secretary of state was a conflict of interest.

Mr. Clinton countered that he’s helping the poor

…Within two weeks of Haiti’s January 2010 earthquake, the word had already gone out from the State Department that Bill Clinton would be in charge of U.S. reconstruction efforts.

That means,” one individual told me and I reported in a Jan. 25, 2010 column, “if you don’t have Clinton connections, you won’t be in the game.

The “game,” as my source called it, meant securing hundreds of millions of dollars in no-bid contracts from the State Department’s U.S. Agency for International Development and grants from multilateral institutions like the InterAmerican Development Bank, which gets the bulk of its funding from the U.S.

The Clintons deny that Bill’s power over State’s purse was used to secure donations to the Clinton Foundation. But at least two contributors who gave more than $1 million as I described in a March 9 column, including the InterAmerican Development Bank, benefited from U.S. earthquake aid.

There’s a lot that didn’t get done. In the north of the country, the Clinton-proposed Caracol Industrial Park was supposed to feature some 40 buildings for apparel assembly supporting up to 65,000 jobs. It remains a mystery why there are still only three buildings in full operation and only 5,000 jobs, despite plenty of tenant interest.

Bill’s first concern is always helping the poor. Remember he and Hillary went from “dead broke” to $53M now?
And they both STILL have to work, you know.
It’s tough.

“As Your Mayor I Will: Manage the City’s Finances to the Penny”

Much EASIER when you have them under your direct control, right? Survey says…YES!

Don’t look now, but because of that mean old Republican governor (I’m making the inevitable excuse now), I guess the Democratic mayor of Flint, MI (Yes, THAT Flint) was forced to divert donors and their $s to her campaign fund instead of a Flint victims’ charity fund. I know how this goes, so this HAS to be a Republican’s fault, right?

Flint mayor diverted water-crisis money to political PAC, suit says

The former city administrator of Flint, Michigan, filed a federal lawsuit against the current mayor’s office, claiming she was fired after raising concerns about donors being directed away from a charity for victims of the city’s water crisis and toward a fund sharing a name with the mayor’s campaign fund.

In the suit filed Monday, fired administrator Natasha Henderson claims that in February 2016, Flint’s current mayor, Karen Weaver, directed a former city employee and a city volunteer to stop directing potential donors to a charity called Safe Water/Safe Homes. That charity was run by the Community Foundation of Greater Flint and had been approved by the city for water-crisis donations.

Instead, the lawsuit claims city employee Maxine Murray was directed by Weaver to begin directing donations to “Karenabout Flint.” According to the lawsuit, Murray came to Henderson “in tears” and in fear of “going to jail.”

“Karen About Flint” is Her Honor’s campaign website, where I got that bang-up, servant-of-the-people quote at the top of this post. Double entrendre there, n’est pas?

Your Math for the Day

Something Is Fowl In DC

Well, okay, this is not a big shock.

But isn’t it amazing that in one of the most crime-infested cities in the country (and I’m not even including Congress or the White House…or the IRS or the State Department) the Powers That Be™ in Washington DC decide that what they REALLY need to devote their resources to, the scourge that they need to fight to keep their citizens safe is, well, er chickens

The chickens of the 3900 block of Jenifer Street NW are, by all appearances, well-cared for, each looked after by one of the four children of Allison Sheedy and Daniel McInnis.

There is the fluffy, yellow Mrs. Tiggy-winkle; the big, black-and-white Minnie Mouse; the mottled-orange India; and the burgundy-toned Red, named for Washington’s football team.

Their coop rests under a holly tree in the spacious back yard of a 10,000-square-foot Chevy Chase double lot that features two gardens — one for vegetables, one for herbs — where neighborhood kids have been known to stop by, say hello and, perhaps, pick up a fresh-laid egg.

But now, Mrs. Tiggy-winkle and her feathered friends have been targeted by the D.C. Department of Health. The health department has declared the chickens contraband — and Sheedy and McInnis, both attorneys, have filed suit against the department and sought a temporary restraining order to keep their birds.

…The District government doesn’t agree, at least when it comes to fowl. Officials with the health department and D.C.’s attorney general’s office declined to comment on the case or restrictions on chickens and coops in the city.

Sheedy and McInnis’s analysis of D.C. law, however, challenges the city’s restrictions. They say city regulations prevent building a coop within 50 feet “of any building used for human habitation.” Though that might rule out a coop for a D.C. rowhouse, an expansive Chevy Chase lot like theirs could host one, they argue.

…In addition, Sheedy and McInnis focused on a 1993 amendment to the D.C. Animal Control Act that they say the health department relies on in banning chickens. The amendment was meant to outlaw wolves, wolf-hybrids and other “exotic” animals, they say, not backyard fowl. They also say it specifically permits “captive-bred species of common cage birds.”

“Plaintiffs are unaware of any chicken breeds that are part wolf or wolf-dog,” their complaint read. “Plaintiffs are also unaware of any incidents in the District of dangerous chickens biting people.”

They have a large lot, and they have four hens. Please note, hens. Ours neighbors are dear sweet people, and they have chickens (they used to have a bunch of quail too, they were awesome but that’s another story). I love their chickens, and have no problem with them.

However, once they had a rooster.

Every morning at 4 am and 5 am that sonuvabitch would cock-a-doodle-doo.

Now, since I leave the house at 4 it only annoyed me on the weekends; my Bride, well she was annoyed 24/7, so I did the Good Neighbor Thing and talked to those good folks and Old Foghorn disappeared real quick.

But these good folks are very clear that they DON’T have a rooster, just 4 hens laying eggs, eating bugs, and teaching their kids how to be responsible and care for other living creatures. Oh, and savvy readers will notice that Daniel has a TOTALLY kick ass Lodge cast iron pan that he is frying up those eggs in.

People, you want to vote for Big Government to solve all your problems…this is what you get.


This halibut is good enough for Jehovah

The owners of the most prominent vegan restaurant chain in Los Angeles were found to be raising and “harvesting” animals at their Northern California farm. Now Hollywood’s vegan community is angry, and death threats have been made. “People have taken up the mob mentality,” says Cafe Gratitude owner Matthew Engelhart.

L.A.’s vegan vortex has angrily turned on the most prominent vegan restaurant group in town this week as word has spread that its owners are not just eating meat but raising and slaughtering animals at the working farm where they live in Northern California.

…The trouble began last week when animal rights activists discovered and then widely circulated a 14-month-old blog post written by Terces on the Engelharts’ Be Love Farm website, which mixed an announcement of their transition back into a meat diet again after nearly 40 years of vegetarianism (they had been vegan since 2003) with posted pictures of strained beef broth and a freezer full of pastured beef from their own dairy cows. Matthew tells THR they have kept chickens on the farm for seven years “for eggs only,” along with the cows for five years for milk, cheese and butter that’s for sale. (He claims they’ve “harvested,” or slaughtered, several cows in total and never sold the meat, only shared it with “our friends, neighbors and community.”)

The news has come as a shock to many vegans, who have been regular customers of the restaurants and claim the Engelharts have built their brand on not just serving vegan food but clearly wrapping themselves in the righteousness of the vegan cause — which they argue has now been undermined. “The reason we’re so upset is that veganism is a belief system,” says Carrie Christianson, who started the Facebook boycott group. “You are patronizing a restaurant that you think has that philosophy, and it turns out it doesn’t. Vegans should know that this restaurant has a farm that slaughters animals.”

Vox Took a Look in the Liberal Mirror This Morning

I’m not sure why, but they ~ to their credit ~ pretty honestly reported what they saw.

The smug style in American liberalism

…The consequence was a shift in liberalism’s center of intellectual gravity. A movement once fleshed out in union halls and little magazines shifted into universities and major press, from the center of the country to its cities and elite enclaves. Minority voters remained, but bereft of the material and social capital required to dominate elite decision-making, they were largely excluded from an agenda driven by the new Democratic core: the educated, the coastal, and the professional.

It is not that these forces captured the party so much as it fell to them. When the laborer left, they remained.

…Suffice it to say, by the 1990s the better part of the working class wanted nothing to do with the word liberal. What remained of the American progressive elite was left to puzzle: What happened to our coalition?

Why did they abandon us?

What’s the matter with Kansas?

The smug style arose to answer these questions. It provided an answer so simple and so emotionally satisfying that its success was perhaps inevitable: the theory that conservatism, and particularly the kind embraced by those out there in the country, was not a political ideology at all.

The trouble is that stupid hicks don’t know what’s good for them. They’re getting conned by right-wingers and tent revivalists until they believe all the lies that’ve made them so wrong. They don’t know any better. That’s why they’re voting against their own self-interest.

To Bloomberg, Everything Is Either Climate Change Or Racism

God, they get annoying. This morning’s example is this long, highly researched, data-packed article on Amazon’s Prime Same-Day Delivery service

For residents of minority urban neighborhoods, access to’s vast array of products—from Dawn dish soap and Huggies diapers to Samsung flatscreen TVs—can be a godsend. Unlike whiter ZIP codes, these parts of town often lack well-stocked stores and quality supermarkets. White areas get organic grocers and designer boutiques. Black ones get minimarts and dollar stores. People in neighborhoods that retailers avoid must travel farther and sometimes pay more to obtain household necessities. “I don’t have a car, so I love to have stuff delivered,” says Tamara Rasberry, a human resources professional in Washington, D.C., who spends about $2,000 a year on Amazon Prime, the online retailer’s premium service that guarantees two-day delivery of tens of millions of items (along with digital music, e-books, streaming movies, and TV shows) for a yearly $99 membership fee. Rasberry, whose neighborhood of Congress Heights is more than 90 percent black, says shopping on Amazon lets her bypass the poor selection and high prices of nearby shops.

As Amazon has expanded rapidly to become “the everything store,” it’s offered the promise of an egalitarian shopping experience. On Amazon and other online retailers, a black customer isn’t viewed with suspicion, much less followed around by store security. Most of Amazon’s services are available to almost every address in the U.S. “We don’t know what you look like when you come into our store, which is vastly different than physical retail,” says Craig Berman, Amazon’s vice president for global communications. “We are ridiculously prideful about that. We offer every customer the same price. It doesn’t matter where you live.”

All well and good, right?


Yet as Amazon rolls out its upgrade to the Prime service, Prime Free Same-Day Delivery, that promise is proving harder to deliver on. The ambitious goal of Prime Free Same-Day is to eliminate one of the last advantages local retailers have over the e-commerce giant: instant gratification. In cities where the service is available, Amazon offers Prime members same-day delivery of more than a million products for no extra fee on orders over $35. Eleven months after it started, the service includes 27 metropolitan areas. In most of them, it provides broad coverage within the city limits. Take Amazon’s home town of Seattle, where every ZIP code within the city limits is eligible for same-day delivery and coverage extends well into the surrounding suburbs.

In six major same-day delivery cities, however, the service area excludes predominantly black ZIP codes to varying degrees, according to a Bloomberg analysis that compared Amazon same-day delivery areas with U.S. Census Bureau data.

In Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, and Washington, cities still struggling to overcome generations of racial segregation and economic inequality, black citizens are about half as likely to live in neighborhoods with access to Amazon same-day delivery as white residents.

The disparity in two other big cities is significant, too. In New York City, same-day delivery is available throughout Manhattan, Staten Island, and Brooklyn, but not in the Bronx and some majority-black neighborhoods in Queens. In some cities, Amazon same-day delivery extends many miles into the surrounding suburbs but isn’t available in some ZIP codes within the city limits.

Bloomberg then goes on and on with this implication that there is some nefarious plot afoot to specifically deny black Prime members the delivery service, this “right” they are yet again having stolen from them.

Because, you see, if you specifically go out of your way to not make decisions based on racial data you are, naturally, a racist:

Amazon, he says, has a “radical sensitivity” to any suggestion that neighborhoods are being singled out by race. “Demographics play no role in it. Zero.”

Amazon says its plan is to focus its same-day service on ZIP codes where there’s a high concentration of Prime members, and then expand the offering to fill in the gaps over time. “If you ever look at a map of service for Amazon, it will start out small and end up getting big,” he says.

This is a logical approach from a cost and efficiency perspective: Give areas with the most existing paying members priority access to a new product. Yet in cities where most of those paying members are concentrated in predominantly white parts of town, a solely data-driven calculation that looks at numbers instead of people can reinforce long-entrenched inequality in access to retail services. For people who live in black neighborhoods not served by Amazon, the fact that it’s not deliberate doesn’t make much practical difference. “They are offering different services to other people who don’t look like you but live in the same city,” says Rasberry.

No, they are not, because THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE. Sorry; in fact, they don’t even CARE what you look like.

And that is their unpardonable sin.

What Have The Romans Ever Done For Us?

Stanford students reject Western Civ

An effort by a group of Stanford University students to restore a Western civilization class requirement has been decisively rejected by the student body, with voting results released Monday showing it mustering less than 15 percent support.

A Guy With Street Cred Who Turned His Life Around Speaks Out

…which now renders him an “Uncle Thomas ass nigga,” among the nicer things being said.

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