Good For Him!

“Lt. Dan” has a fine charity rolling.

When actor Gary Sinise talks about Operation Iraqi Children, the humanitarian organization he cofounded 16 months ago to provide basic supplies to schools in the war-ravaged country, he does not peddle sob stories. He does not proselytize, or inflate with self-satisfaction the way celebrities usually do when they wax about giving back. He describes his project in modest terms, as if it were as simple and obvious as shutting off the lights when you leave a room. “We’re just about giving some pencils to some kids,” says Sinise, 50, star of “CSI: New York” and an Oscar nominee for “Forrest Gump.” “That’s it.”…
…OIC, which now operates out of a central warehouse in Kansas City, Mo., is proudly supportive of U.S. troops….


5 Responses to “Good For Him!”

  1. The Real JeffS says:

    Well, dang! That’s great! Someone helping simply to be helping.

  2. Ken Summers says:

    Gary Sinise is certainly a class act, and not just for this particular venture.

  3. Nightfly says:

    Agreed, Ken. I always liked his work. Nice to see that he’s one of the good guys, too.

  4. And pro military! Talk about refreshing. I think that’s so cool, bless his heart.

  5. Ken Summers says:

    I like his acting well enough, but he’s always been very vocal about supporting the military (I believe he made at least one trip to Iraq to visit troops)

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