Let Me See If I Understand…
Karl Rove is Evuul Incarnate, and it is a Bad Thing that he is pulling all the strings in Washington. This is a given, no?
So why is my glorious Senator Laughenberg upset that he was not in DC when Rita arrived?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A senator from New Jersey is criticizing White House adviser Karl Rove for planning to attend a North Dakota fundraiser the same day Hurricane Rita is expected to hit Texas.
Democrat Frank Lautenberg sent a letter to President Bush Friday saying “it would be expected that Mr. Rove would be at his post ’24/7′ during this crisis.”
You would think they’d be rejoicing that Sauron was off to inspect the Gulags in North Dakota.
Heck, even the Democrats think he’s swell:
“Rove is putting politics over people,” said Rick Gion, a spokesman for the state Democratic Party. “What is he doing politicking in North Dakota when the people of the Gulf Region need his help?“
Interesting. I wasn’t aware that hurricane relief was part of the job description of a White House advisor/strategist/chief of staff/evil minion.
Learn something new everyday