My Latest Toy

I bought an Airport Express. What’s neat is, while it will serve as a wirelessnetwork point (and that’s mainly what it’s designed for), it will also allow you to stream music via iTunes from your computer to your stereo over your hardwired LAN if you don’t have or want a wireless network. And I don’t particularly want to go wireless at this point, as there are too many computer-saavy High Schoolers in my neighborhood who would love to infiltrate my bandwidth. Via the Airport Utility control panel you can turn down the signal strength to basically nothing, and then designate “Living Room” as one of the laces you want the music to play…

…through the stereo on the other side of the house! You can see in the top picture the CAT-5 cable coming out of the bottom of it, and that grey little glob at the front is the cable going from the jack into some spare RCA imputs on the receiver. The sound quality is much better than when I would connect the iPod to the receiver.
Yeah, I’m a goober.

6 Responses to “My Latest Toy”

  1. The_Real_JeffS says:

    COOL! I’ve read about these, but I’m not interested right now, as I’m remodeling the house. I get around this by plugging my iPod directly into the stereo system; since I’ve already run speakers to a couple other rooms, I have decent coverage. I have to agree that the sound isn’t all that great, but, eh, I deal with it until things settle down.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    Yep, just how I did it. And it does work fine that way…but this is very cool 🙂
    I have to show the boss that the 1000′ of CAT-5 I bought a few years ago is being put to use!

  3. Too many moving parts for me.

  4. Mr. Bingley says:

    Um, I guess I should have mentioned that that does not refer to hurricanes. Sorry.
    Typical insensitive male stuff.

  5. The_Real_JeffS says:

    This CAT-5, not this CAT5. Cool stuff, really!

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